List the storage classes for a managed cluster
GET /accounts/{account_id}/topology/v1/managedClusters/{managedCluster_id}/storageClasses
Returns a JSON array of all matching resources in the collection. If individual fields are specified in the request, the items JSON array will contain the fields requested for each matching resource in the order specified.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
account_id |
string |
path |
True |
ID of the containing account resource
managedCluster_id |
string |
path |
True |
ID of the containing managedCluster resource |
include |
string |
query |
False |
Indicates which fields should be returned when listing a collection. URL examples: "include=id", "include=id,name" OpenAPI examples: "id"
limit |
string |
query |
False |
Indicates the maximum number of resources to return when listing a collection. URL examples: "limit=2" OpenAPI examples: "2" |
Status: 200, Returns a JSON array of all matching resources in the collection. If individual fields are specified in the request, the items JSON array will contain the fields requested for each matching resource in the order specified.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
items |
array[Any of: storageClass_1.1_get_response_body, array[]] |
True |
metadata |
True |
Example response
Status: 401, Unauthorized
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
Example response
Status: 400, Bad request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
invalidParams |
array[invalidParams] |
False |
List of invalid query parameters |
Example response
Status: 403, Forbidden
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
Example response
Status: 404, Not found
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
Example error response
See Definitions
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name |
string |
True |
value |
string |
True |
Client and service-specified metadata associated with the resource. Defined values are:
Conforms to the Astra Metadata Schema
Name | Type | Required | Description |
labels |
array[type_astra_label] |
True |
creationTimestamp |
string |
True |
modificationTimestamp |
string |
True |
createdBy |
string |
True |
modifiedBy |
string |
False |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
Media type of the resource. Defined values are:
version |
string |
True |
Version of the resource. Defined values are:
id |
string |
True |
Globally unique identifier of the resource. Defined values are:
name |
string |
True |
JSON string containing a value indicating the name of the storage class. Defined values are:
provisioner |
string |
True |
JSON string containing a value indicating the provisioner associated with the storage class. Defined values are:
available |
string |
True |
JSON string indicating whether the storage class is available for the cluster or is eligible to be added to the cluster when under management. Defined values are:
allowVolumeExpansion |
string |
True |
JSON string indicating whether the storage class allows volume expansion. Defined values are:
reclaimPolicy |
string |
True |
JSON string containing a cloud-specific value indicating the retention policy of the storage class. Defined values are:
volumeBindingMode |
string |
True |
JSON string containing a cloud-specific value indicating the binding mode for the storage class. Defined values are:
isDefault |
string |
False |
JSON string indicating whether the storage class contains the default annotation. Defined values are:
maxSnapshotCount |
number |
False |
JSON number indicating how many snapshots are supported. This information is attached to storage classes provided by NetApp. |
maxBackupCount |
number |
False |
JSON number indicating how many backups are supported. This information is attached to storage classes provided by NetApp. |
price |
string |
False |
JSON string indicating the currency units per unit of time for the storage class. This information is attached to storage classes provided by NetApp. Defined values are:
currency |
string |
False |
JSON string indicating the ISO 4217 three-letter code for the currency that the price is measured in. This information is attached to storage classes provided by NetApp. Defined values are:
performance |
number |
False |
JSON number indicating the performance service-level objective (SLO) in MBps. This information is attached to storage classes provided by NetApp. |
resilience |
string |
False |
JSON string indicating the resilience configuration for the storage. This information is attached to storage classes provided by NetApp. Defined values are:
metadata |
True |
Client and service-specified metadata associated with the resource. Defined values are:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
continue |
string |
False |
count |
number |
False |
labels |
array[type_astra_label] |
False |
creationTimestamp |
string |
False |
modificationTimestamp |
string |
False |
createdBy |
string |
False |
modifiedBy |
string |
False |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name |
string |
True |
Name of the invalid query parameter |
reason |
string |
True |
Reason why the query parameter is invalid |