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Cloud Volumes Service

Cloud Volumes APIs

Contributors netapp-tonacki netapp-juliec

The Cloud Volumes capabilities that are available through the web UI are also available through RESTful APIs. The APIs enable you to create and manage cloud volumes and develop provisioning scripts and tools.

Finding the API URL, API key, and Secret key

You need to obtain the Cloud Volumes API URL, API key, and Secret key for running an API call.

  1. Click API access on the storage page or in the drop-down menu under your username.

  2. Record the Cloud Volumes API URL, API key, and Secret key.

Listing the available APIs

The storage page displays the available APIs that you can use.

  1. Click API documentation on the storage page.

    The page lists the available APIs.

  2. Scroll through the page to see the available APIs.

    The APIs are listed by function, for example:

    • volumes

    • mounttargets

    • storage

    • snapshots

  3. To obtain details and examples of how to use an API call, select the function and click one of the following actions:

    • GET: reads

    • POST: creates

    • PUT: updates or modifies

    • DELETE: destroys

Using the Cloud Volumes APIs

This section shows you how to use the Cloud Volumes APIs. The examples use curl from a Linux bash shell. You need to replace <api_url>, <api_key>, and <secret_key> with the values you recorded from Finding the API URL, API key, and Secret key.


curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X [GET,POST,PUT,DELETE] <api_url>/v2/<command>


Listing volumes

The following example displays information about all volumes:

Note Piping the command through jq improves the formatting of the json output. You might need to install jq on your system.
curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X GET <api_url>/v2/Volumes | jq

Listing the details for a specific volume

Each volume has an ID called volumeId, for example, 07c9ab6c-b655-a9fe-f904-b9b97ef9baaa. Including the ID in the API call provides details for the specific volume:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X GET <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId> | jq

Creating a volume

The following example uses a POST call to create a volume called Test, in region us-west-1, with an allocated capacity of 100 GB and exported using nfsv3:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X POST <api_url>/v2/Volumes -d '
	"name": "Test",
	"creationToken": "grahams-test-volume3",
	"region": "us-west-1",
	"serviceLevel": "standard",
	"quotaInBytes": 100000000000,
	"exportPolicy": {"rules": [{"ruleIndex": 1,"allowedClients": "","unixReadOnly": false,"unixReadWrite": true,"cifs": false,"nfsv3": true,"nfsv4": false}]},
	"protocolTypes": ["NFSv3"],
	"labels": ["test"]

Updating a volume

The following example uses a PUT call to update a volume called Test, change the service level to extreme, and change the allocated capacity to 600 GB:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X PUT <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId> -d '
	"serviceLevel": "extreme",
	"quotaInBytes": 600000000000

Deleting a volume

The following example uses a DELETE call to delete a volume specified by volumeId:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X DELETE <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId>
Important Use with caution. This API call deletes the volume and all its data.

Creating a snapshot

The following example uses a POST call to create a snapshot called snappy for a specific volume:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X POST <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId>/Snapshots -d '
	"name": "<snapshot-name>"

Creating a snapshot policy

The following example uses a PUT call to create snapshot policies for a specific volume:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X PUT <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId> -d '
	"snapshotPolicy": {
        "dailySchedule": {},
        "enabled": true,
        "hourlySchedule": {
            "minute": 33,
            "snapshotsToKeep": 24
        "monthlySchedule": {},
        "weeklySchedule": {}

Listing snapshots for a specific volume

The following example uses a GET call to list the snapshots for a specific volume:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X GET <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId>/Snapshots

Reverting a snapshot

The following example uses a POST call to revert a volume from a snapshot specified by snapshotId and volumeId:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X POST <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId>/Revert -d '
	"snapshotId": "<snapshotId>"
Important Use with caution. This API call causes any data written after the date of that snapshot to be lost.

Creating a new volume from a snapshot

The following example uses a POST call to create a new volume based on a snapshot of an existing volume, specified by snapshotId:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X POST <api_url>/v2/Volumes -d '
	"snapshotId": "<snapshotId>",
	"name": "Copy",
	"creationToken": "perfectly-copied-volume",
	"region": "us-west-1",
	"serviceLevel": "extreme",
	"protocolTypes": ["NFSv3"]

Deleting a snapshot

The following example uses a DELETE call to delete a snapshot specified by snapshotId:

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X DELETE <api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId>/Snapshots/<snapshotId>
Important Use with caution. This API call deletes the snapshot and all its data.

Joining a directory service

The following example uses a POST call to join a directory service and provides the DNS IP address, domain, the NetBIOS name for the SMB server, the username and password for a directory service admin, and the organizational unit (optional and defaults to CN=Computers).

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X POST <api_url>/v2/Storage/ActiveDirectory -d '
	"DNS": "<ip-address>",
	"domain": "<domain>",
	"netBIOS": "<netbios-name>",
	"organizationalUnit": "OU=Cloud Servers,DC=nas-cloud,DC=local",
	"password": "secret",
	"region": "us-west-1",
	"username": "Administrator"

Viewing directory service integration

The following example uses a GET call to display the configuration for directory service integration.

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X GET <api_url>/v2/Storage/ActiveDirectory

Unjoining a directory service

The following example uses a DELETE call to unjoin a directory service integration. This requires the UUID for the current join, which can be found using the GET call listed above.

Note You cannot unjoin a directory service that is in use; status "in use".
curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X DELETE <api_url>/v2/Storage/ActiveDirectory/<UUID>

Get performance statistics

The following example uses a GET call to list the read and write IOPS, throughput, and latency statistics over a specific time period for a volume specified by volumeId.

curl -s -H accept:application/json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H api-key:<api_key> -H secret-key:<secret_key> -X GET '<api_url>/v2/Volumes/<volumeId>/PerformanceMetrics?startDate=2021-02-05T09:00&endDate=2021-02-05T09:05&type=READ_IOPS,WRITE_IOPS,TOTAL_THROUGHPUT,AVERAGE_OTHER_LATENCY'