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Converged Systems Advisor

Archive of "What's new in Converged Systems Advisor"

Contributors netapp-thomi netapp-rlithman

NetApp periodically updates Converged Systems Advisor to bring you new features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

To confirm FlexPod components are supported by the CSA agent, reference the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT).


30 April 2020

This release includes the following enhancements:

Upgrade Advisor

Now you can check compatibility for your VMware vCenter and ONTAP versions with your Nexus and UCS components. To check compability, use Upgrade Advisor in the dashboard under Firmware Interoperability. All versions you see are supported.

Cluster interconnect switch

Cluster Interconnect Switch was added under Firmware Interoperability in the Dashboard view. Now you can monitor the supportability of ONTAP cluster interconnect switches for the following models:

  • Cisco Nexus 3132Q-V

  • Cisco Nexus 3232C

  • Cisco Nexus 92300YC


In the agent, you can now add a cluster interconnect switch as a device in the Add Device Information drop-down menu.


Capacity card enhancements

Links to network port utilization and UCS Blade Server utilization were also added to help you monitor and expand your FlexPod infrastructure. In the Dashboard view, when you go to Capacity, you'll see two new links.

Port Utilization links to detailed information for interfaces in the Network tier.

UCS Blade Server Utilization links to detailed information for blades in the Compute tier.

System diagram alerts

You'll now see alerts in the diagram views of your system so you can monitor your infrastructure better.

Fixed issues

The following known issues have been fixed in this release:

Bug ID Description


Nexus switch port status might be displayed incorrectly in Converged Systems Advisor.

3 February 2020

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • This release makes it possible for you to see all of your systems in View All Systems.

  • It's easier for you to see and navigate through the structure of your component tiers. You can use the drop-down menu and arrows to view your devices.

  • It's also easier to navigate to and from the Dashboard (home) view using a breadcrumb trail.


Aggregate details

In the Dashboard view, when you go to Capacity, you can now see a link to Aggregate Details. You can use the link provided to see detailed information about your aggregates in the Storage tier.



Fixed issues

The following known issues have been fixed in this release:

Bug ID Description


Single node MetroCluster does not show the IOXM expansion module in the Overview and Rule summary on the cluster detail page.

7 November 2019

Note All of the new features and enhancements in this release are automatically included after you add your Flexpod into Converged Systems Advisor. Follow the instructions in Getting Started to add your FlexPod as a Converged Infrastructure into Converged Systems Advisor.

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

MetroCluster awareness

Converged Systems Advisor now supports adding a single site of a MetroCluster FlexPod as a converged infrastructure. Analytics will now be able to determine the health of both sides of the MetroCluster.

NVMe awareness

Converged Systems Advisor will now run analytics to check the configuration of the NVMe protocol which is supported on ONTAP 9.4 and above.

Improved interoperability functionality

Converged Systems Advisor has an updated interoperability card that will link to a pop up that shows the current, nearest, and latest versions supported for each component. A new report has been added in the pop up to show an individualized Interoperability report per component tier.

24 July 2019

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

Support for Cisco ACI in FlexPod

Converged Systems Advisor now supports FlexPod designs with Cisco ACI Networking. The support and configuration of all devices in your FlexPod will be evaluated, even the two dynamically determined leaf switches connected to your other FlexPod devices.

Support for multiple clusters in a single FlexPod

Converged Systems Advisor now supports multiple clusters in a single FlexPod. Storage ONTAP rules are processed on all clusters and all clusters are reflected on the system diagram.

25 April 2019

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

Automatically resolving failed rules

Converged Systems Advisor can now automatically resolve issues that cause certain rules to fail. This functionality is automatically enabled by restarting your agent.

Displaying suppressed rules

You can now display a global list of suppressed rules within Converged Systems Advisor and reenable alerts for suppressed rules from the list.

Fixed issues

The following known issues have been fixed in this release:

Bug ID Description


System diagram images might not display for a converged infrastructure


Storage Cluster Efficiency value is displayed incorrectly


Nexus switch port status might be displayed incorrectly


Space reservation status is displayed incorrectly

28 March 2019

The following known issues have been fixed in this release:

Bug ID Description


Thin Provisioned status is displayed incorrectly in CSA


Disk Space Utilization percentage is displayed incorrectly in CSA


Interfaces mapped to the VLAN in Nexus switch might be mismatched with the actual device output in CSA


Power Supply information for a rack mounted server might be displayed incorrectly in CSA

17 January 2019

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

Support for new FlexPod devices

Converged Systems Advisor now supports the following FlexPod devices:

  • Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Servers

  • Nexus 3000 series switches

  • Cisco UCS switches directly attached to NetApp controllers

For a complete list of supported devices, see the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool.

Detailed information about hosts and virtual machines

Converged Systems Advisor now provides more information about your virtualization environment. You can drill down to view information about individual hosts and virtual machines, including diagrams, an inventory list, and a rules summary.


Simplified experience when adding an infrastructure

It's now easier to add an infrastructure to Converged Systems Advisor. The portal enables you to enter the information step by step:


Device import using a file

You can now configure the Converged Systems Advisor agent to discover your FlexPod infrastructure by importing a file that includes information about each device. Importing the devices is an alternative to manually adding each device, one by one.


Integration with NetApp Active IQ

You can now launch Active IQ from Converged Systems Advisor. The following example shows an Active IQ link available in the Storage page:


Fixed issues

The following known issues have been fixed in this release:

Bug ID Description


Firefox might stop responding when browsing the Converged Systems Advisor portal.


The Converged Systems Advisor portal does not log you out after the timeout interval has expired. You remain logged in, but cannot see your FlexPod systems.


Converged Systems Advisor displays "Pass" for the rule titled "VMware tools check" even though VMware tools was not installed on the virtual machine.

13 September 2018

This release of Converged Systems Advisor includes the following new features:

  • A new user interface and user experience to simplify customers' FlexPod operations

  • Health and best practices validation for VMware virtualization

  • Support for Cisco MDS switches with expanded Fibre Channel support