Install the SnapCenter Plug-in for Exchange silently from the command line
You should install Plug-in for Exchange from within the SnapCenter user interface. However, if you cannot for some reason, you can run the Plug-in for Exchange installation program unattended in silent mode from the Windows command line.
You must have backed up your Microsoft Exchange Server resources.
You must have installed the SnapCenter plug-in packages.
You must delete the earlier release of SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server before installing.
For more information, see How to Install a SnapCenter Plug-In manually and directly from the Plug-In Host.
Validate whether C:\temp folder exists on the plug-in host and the logged in user has full access to it.
Download the SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows from C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.
This path is accessible from the host where the SnapCenter Server is installed.
Copy the installation file to the host on which you want to install the plug-in.
From a Windows command prompt on the local host, navigate to the directory to which you saved the plug-in installation files.
Enter the following command to install the plug-in.
snapcenter_windows_host_plugin.exe"/silent /debuglog"<Debug_Log_Path>" /log"<Log_Path>" BI_SNAPCENTER_PORT=<Num> SUITE_INSTALLDIR="<Install_Directory_Path>" BI_SERVICEACCOUNT=<domain\administrator> BI_SERVICEPWD=<password> ISFeatureInstall=HPPW,SCW,SCE
For example:
C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository\snapcenter_windows_host_plugin.exe"/silent /debuglog"C:\HPPW_SCSQL_Install.log" /log"C:\temp" BI_SNAPCENTER_PORT=8145 SUITE_INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter" BI_SERVICEACCOUNT=domain\administrator BI_SERVICEPWD=password ISFeatureInstall=HPPW,SCW,SCE
All the parameters passed during the installation of Plug-in for Exchange are case sensitive. Enter the following values for the variables:
Variable Value /debuglog"<Debug_Log_Path>
Specify the name and location of the suite installer log file, as in the following example:
Setup.exe /debuglog"C:\PathToLog\setupexe.log
Specify the port on which SnapCenter communicates with SMCore.
Specify host plug-in package installation directory.
Specify SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows web service account.
Specify the password for SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows web service account.
Specify the solution to be deployed by SnapCenter on remote host.
Monitor the Windows task scheduler, the main installation log file C:\Installdebug.log, and the additional installation files in C:\Temp.
Monitor the %temp% directory to check if the msiexe.exe installers are installing the software without errors.
The installation of Plug-in for Exchange registers the plug-in on the host and not on the SnapCenter Server. You can register the plug-in on the SnapCenter Server by adding the host using the SnapCenter GUI or PowerShell cmdlet. After the host is added, the plug-in is automatically discovered.