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SnapCenter Software 4.9
A newer release of this product is available.

Prerequisites for adding hosts and installing Plug-ins Package for Linux or AIX

Contributors netapp-soumikd

Before you add a host and install the plug-ins packages, you must complete all the requirements.

  • If you are using iSCSI, the iSCSI service must be running.

  • You must have enabled the password-based SSH connection for the root or non-root user.

    SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database can be installed by a non-root user. However, you should configure the sudo privileges for the non-root user to install and start the plug-in process. After installing the plug-in, the processes will be running as an effective non-root user.

  • If you are installing the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for AIX on AIX host, you should have manually resolved the directory level symbolic links.

    The SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for AIX automatically resolves the file level symbolic link but not the directory level symbolic links to obtain the JAVA_HOME absolute path.

  • Create credentials with authentication mode as Linux or AIX for the install user.

  • You must have installed Java 1.8.x or Java 11, 64-bit, on your Linux or AIX host.

    Note Ensure that you have installed only the certified edition of JAVA 11 on the Linux host.

    For information to download JAVA, see:

  • For Oracle databases that are running on a Linux or AIX host, you should install both SnapCenter Plug-in for Oracle Database and SnapCenter Plug-in for UNIX.

    Note You can use the Plug-in for Oracle Database to manage Oracle databases for SAP as well. However, SAP BR*Tools integration is not supported.
  • If you are using Oracle database or later, you must install the 13366202 Oracle patch.

Note UUID mapping in the /etc/fstab file is not supported by SnapCenter.
  • You should have bash as the default shell for plug-in installation.

Linux Host requirements

You should ensure that the host meets the requirements before installing the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for Linux.

Item Requirements

Operating systems

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • Oracle Linux

    Note If you are using Oracle database on LVM in Oracle Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 or 7.0 operating systems, you must install the latest version of Logical Volume Manager (LVM).
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

Minimum RAM for the SnapCenter plug-in on host

2 GB

Minimum install and log space for the SnapCenter plug-in on host

2 GB

Note You should allocate sufficient disk space and monitor the storage consumption by the logs folder. The log space required varies depending on the number of the entities to be protected and the frequency of data protection operations. If there is no sufficient disk space, the logs will not be created for the recently run operations.

Required software packages

  • Java 1.8.x (64-bit) Oracle Java and OpenJDK flavors

  • Java 11 (64-bit) Oracle Java and OpenJDK flavors

Note Ensure that you have installed only the certified edition of JAVA 11 on the Linux host.

If you have upgraded JAVA to the latest version, you must ensure that the JAVA_HOME option located at /var/opt/snapcenter/spl/etc/ is set to the correct JAVA version and the correct path.

For the latest information about supported versions, see the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool.

Configure sudo privileges for non-root users for Linux host

SnapCenter 2.0 and later releases allow a non-root user to install the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for Linux and to start the plug-in process. The plug-in processes will be running as an effective non-root user. You should configure sudo privileges for the non-root user to provide access to several paths.

What you will need

  • Sudo version 1.8.7 or later.

  • Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to configure the message authentication code algorithms: MACs hmac-sha2-256 and MACs hmac-sha2-512.

    Restart the sshd service after updating the configuration file.


    #Port 22
    #AddressFamily any
    #ListenAddress ::
    #Legacy changes
    #KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
    #Ciphers aes128-cbc
    #The default requires explicit activation of protocol
    Protocol 2
    MACs hmac-sha2-256

About this task

You should configure sudo privileges for the non-root user to provide access to the following paths:

  • /home/LINUX_USER/.sc_netapp/snapcenter_linux_host_plugin.bin

  • /custom_location/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/installation/plugins/uninstall

  • /custom_location/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/spl


  1. Log in to the Linux host on which you want to install the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for Linux.

  2. Add the following lines to the /etc/sudoers file by using the visudo Linux utility.

    Cmnd_Alias HPPLCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /home/LINUX_USER/.sc_netapp/snapcenter_linux_host_plugin.bin, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/installation/plugins/uninstall, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/spl, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/scc/bin/scc
    Cmnd_Alias PRECHECKCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /home/LINUX_USER/.sc_netapp/
    Cmnd_Alias CONFIGCHECKCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/plugins/scu/scucore/configurationcheck/
    Cmnd_Alias SCCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/sc_command_executor
    Cmnd_Alias SCCCMDEXECUTOR =checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/scc/bin/sccCommandExecutor
    Defaults: LINUX_USER !visiblepw
    Defaults: LINUX_USER !requiretty
    Note If you are having a RAC setup, along with the other allowed commands, you should add the following to the /etc/sudoers file: '/<crs_home>/bin/olsnodes'

You can obtain the value of crs_home from the /etc/oracle/olr.loc file.

LINUX_USER is the name of the non-root user that you created.

You can obtain the checksum_value from the oracle_checksum.txt file, which is located at C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.

If you have specified a custom location, the location will be custom_path\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.

Important The example should be used only as a reference for creating your own data.

AIX Host requirements

You should ensure that the host meets the requirements before installing the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for AIX.

Note SnapCenter Plug-in for UNIX which is part of the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for AIX, does not support concurrent volume groups.
Item Requirements

Operating systems

AIX 7.1 or later

Minimum RAM for the SnapCenter plug-in on host

4 GB

Minimum install and log space for the SnapCenter plug-in on host

2 GB

Note You should allocate sufficient disk space and monitor the storage consumption by the logs folder. The log space required varies depending on the number of the entities to be protected and the frequency of data protection operations. If there is no sufficient disk space, the logs will not be created for the recently run operations.

Required software packages

  • Java 1.8.x (64-bit) IBM Java

  • Java 11 (64-bit) IBM Java

If you have upgraded JAVA to the latest version, you must ensure that the JAVA_HOME option located at /var/opt/snapcenter/spl/etc/ is set to the correct JAVA version and the correct path.

For the latest information about supported versions, see the NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool.

Configure sudo privileges for non-root users for AIX host

SnapCenter 4.4 and later allows a non-root user to install the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for AIX and to start the plug-in process. The plug-in processes will be running as an effective non-root user. You should configure sudo privileges for the non-root user to provide access to several paths.

What you will need

  • Sudo version 1.8.7 or later.

  • Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to configure the message authentication code algorithms: MACs hmac-sha2-256 and MACs hmac-sha2-512.

    Restart the sshd service after updating the configuration file.


    #Port 22
    #AddressFamily any
    #ListenAddress ::
    #Legacy changes
    #KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
    #Ciphers aes128-cbc
    #The default requires explicit activation of protocol
    Protocol 2
    MACs hmac-sha2-256

About this task

You should configure sudo privileges for the non-root user to provide access to the following paths:

  • /home/AIX_USER/.sc_netapp/snapcenter_aix_host_plugin.bsx

  • /custom_location/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/installation/plugins/uninstall

  • /custom_location/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/spl


  1. Log in to the AIX host on which you want to install the SnapCenter Plug-ins Package for AIX.

  2. Add the following lines to the /etc/sudoers file by using the visudo Linux utility.

    Cmnd_Alias HPPACMD = sha224:checksum_value== /home/AIX_USER/.sc_netapp/snapcenter_aix_host_plugin.bsx,
    /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/installation/plugins/uninstall, /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/spl
    Cmnd_Alias PRECHECKCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /home/AIX_USER/.sc_netapp/
    Cmnd_Alias CONFIGCHECKCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/plugins/scu/scucore/configurationcheck/
    Cmnd_Alias SCCMD = sha224:checksum_value== /opt/NetApp/snapcenter/spl/bin/sc_command_executor
    Defaults: AIX_USER !visiblepw
    Defaults: AIX_USER !requiretty
    Note If you are having a RAC setup, along with the other allowed commands, you should add the following to the /etc/sudoers file: '/<crs_home>/bin/olsnodes'

You can obtain the value of crs_home from the /etc/oracle/olr.loc file.

AIX_USER is the name of the non-root user that you created.

You can obtain the checksum_value from the oracle_checksum.txt file, which is located at C:\ProgramData\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.

If you have specified a custom location, the location will be custom_path\NetApp\SnapCenter\Package Repository.

Important The example should be used only as a reference for creating your own data.

Set up credentials

SnapCenter uses credentials to authenticate users for SnapCenter operations. You should create credentials for installing the plug-in package on Linux or AIX hosts.

About this task

The credentials are created either for the root user or for a non-root user who has sudo privileges to install and start the plug-in process.

Best Practice: Although you are allowed to create credentials after deploying hosts and installing plug-ins, the best practice is to create credentials after you add SVMs, before you deploy hosts and install plug-ins.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Settings.

  2. In the Settings page, click Credential.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Credential page, enter the credential information:

    For this field…​ Do this…​

    Credential name

    Enter a name for the credentials.

    User name/Password

    Enter the user name and password that are to be used for authentication.

    • Domain administrator

      Specify the domain administrator on the system on which you are installing the SnapCenter plug-in. Valid formats for the Username field are:

      • NetBIOS\UserName

      • Domain FQDN\UserName

    • Local administrator (for workgroups only)

      For systems that belong to a workgroup, specify the built-in local administrator on the system on which you are installing the SnapCenter plug-in. You can specify a local user account that belongs to the local administrators group if the user account has elevated privileges or the User Access control feature is disabled on the host system. The valid format for the Username field is: UserName

    Authentication Mode

    Select the authentication mode that you want to use.

    Depending on the operating system of the plug-in host, select either Linux or AIX.

    Use sudo privileges

    Select the Use sudo privileges check box if you are creating credentials for a non-root user.

  5. Click OK.

After you finish setting up the credentials, you might want to assign credential maintenance to a user or group of users on the User and Access page.

Configure credentials for an Oracle database

You must configure credentials that are used to perform data protection operations on Oracle databases.

About this task

You should review the different authentication methods supported for Oracle database. For information, see Authentication methods for your credentials.

If you set up credentials for individual resource groups and the user name does not have full admin privileges, the user name must at least have resource group and backup privileges.

If you have enabled Oracle database authentication, a red padlock icon is shown in the resources view. You must configure database credentials to be able to protect the database or add it to the resource group to perform data protection operations.

Note If you specify incorrect details while creating a credential, an error message is displayed. You must click Cancel, and then retry.


  1. In the left navigation pane, click Resources, and then select the appropriate plug-in from the list.

  2. In the Resources page, select Database from the View list.

  3. Click filter icon, and then select the host name and the database type to filter the resources.

    You can then click filter icon to close the filter pane.

  4. Select the database, and then click Database Settings > Configure Database.

  5. In the Configure database settings section, from the Use existing Credential drop-down list, select the credential that should be used to perform data protection jobs on the Oracle database.

    Note The Oracle user should have sysdba privileges.

    You can also create a credential by clicking add icon in configuring database screen.

  6. In the Configure ASM settings section, from the Use existing Credential drop-down list, select the credential that should be used to perform data protection jobs on the ASM instance.

    Note The ASM user should have sysasm privilege.

    You can also create a credential by clicking add icon in configuring database screen.

  7. In the Configure RMAN catalog settings section, from the Use existing credential drop-down list, select the credential that should be used to perform data protection jobs on the Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) catalog database.

    You can also create a credential by clicking add icon in configuring database screen.

    In the TNSName field, enter the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) file name that will be used by the SnapCenter Server to communicate with the database.

  8. In the Preferred RAC Nodes field, specify the Real Application Cluster (RAC) nodes preferred for backup.

    The preferred nodes might be one or all cluster nodes where the RAC database instances are present. The backup operation is triggered only on these preferred nodes in the order of preference.

    In RAC One Node, only one node is listed in the preferred nodes, and this preferred node is the node where the database is currently hosted.

    After failover or relocation of RAC One Node database, refreshing of resources in the SnapCenter Resources page will remove the host from the Preferred RAC Nodes list where the database was earlier hosted. The RAC node where the database is relocated will be listed in RAC Nodes and will need to be manually configured as the preferred RAC node.

    For more information, see Preferred nodes in RAC setup.

  9. Click OK.