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執行不含NetApp Docker映像的可執行教戰手冊

  1. 安裝 "Python""Ansible"

  2. 使用* pip*安裝所需的Python套件:

    $ pip install netapp-lib requests paramiko
    Installing collected packages: netapp-lib, requests, paramiko
    Successfully installed netapp-lib-2020.3.12 requests-2.23.0  paramiko-2.7.2
  3. 使用* Ansible-gal銀河*命令安裝NetApp Ansible集合:

    To install the collection only for the current user
    $ ansible-galaxy collection install netapp.ontap
    To do a more universal installation,
    $ ansible-galaxy collection install netapp.ontap -p /usr/share/ansible/collections
    $ chmod -R +rw /usr/share/ansible/collections

    如需Ansible銀河命令的詳細資訊、請參閱 "Ansible銀河文件" 如需NetApp Ansible Collection的詳細資訊、請參閱 "NetApp Ansible收藏頁面"

  4. 使用* Ansible playbook*命令執行Ansible Playbook:

    $ cd <downloaded_playbook_path>
    $ ansible-playbook na_ontap_pb_upgrade_firmware.yml
    Enter your ONTAP admin username: ****
    Enter the password for your ONTAP admin user: ****
    Enter the base URL to the firmware package (using HTTP is recommended): http://<web-server>/path/
    PLAY [ONTAP Firmware Upgrade] ****************************************************************
    註 如果有一組叢集具有不同的登入認證、則必須在每個叢集上執行「Ansible教戰手冊」。由於Ansible Playbook會跳過登入失敗的叢集、因此不需要變更庫存檔案。

如需* Ansible playbook *命令的詳細資訊、請參閱 "Ansible教戰手冊文件" 若要以檢查模式(演習)執行「Ansible Playbook」、請參閱 "Ansible:檢查模式"

執行本方針後、請參閱 "韌體安裝驗證" 以取得執行後的指示。