如果您使用Data ONTAP 以7-Mode運作的功能、可以使用此範例指令碼來鏡射備份。其中包括三項作業(檢查、說明及執行)、並在指令碼結尾執行。指令碼也包含錯誤訊息處理、代碼為0至4和> 4:
@echo off REM $Id: //depot/prod/capstan/main/src/plugins/windows/examples/backup/create/post/Mirror_the_backup.cmd#1 $ REM REM Copyright \(c\) 2011 NetApp, Inc. REM All rights reserved. REM REM REM This is a sample post-task script to mirror the volumes to the secondary storage after successful backup operation. REM|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM| Pre-requisite/Assumption: | REM| SnapMirror relationship for the requested secondary storage volumes must be configured in Secondary storage. | REM|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM REM REM This script can be used from the SnapManager graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager GUI, follow these steps: REM 1. From the Backup wizard > Task Specification page > Post-Tasks tab > select the post-task scripts from the Available Scripts section. REM REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager CLI, follow these steps: REM 1. create a task specification XML file. REM 2. Add the post-script name in the <post-tasks> tag of the XML file. REM REM Example: REM <post-tasks> REM <task> REM <name>Mirror the backup</name> REM <description>Mirror the backup</description> REM </task> REM <post-tasks> REM REM REM REM IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is provided for reference only. It has been tested with SnapDrive 6.3.0 for Windows but may not work in all environments. Please review and then customize based on your secondary protection requirements. REM set /a EXIT=0 set name="Mirror the backup" set description="Mirror the backup" set parameter=() if /i "%1" == "-check" goto :check if /i "%1" == "-execute" goto :execute if /i "%1" == "-describe" goto :describe :usage echo usage: %0 ^{ -check ^| -describe ^| -execute ^} set /a EXIT=99 goto :exit :check set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit :describe echo SM_PI_NAME:%name% echo SM_PI_DESCRIPTION:%description% echo SM_PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS : %SM_PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS% set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit REM - Split the comma-separated PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS and Mirror the PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS one-by-one. :execute set /a EXIT=0 echo "execution started" REM FOR %%G IN (%SM_PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS%) DO echo %%G FOR %%V IN (%SM_PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS%) DO sdcli snap update_mirror -d %%V if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( set /a EXIT=4 exit /b %EXIT% ) echo "execution ended" goto :exit :exit echo Command complete. exit /b %EXIT%
如果您使用Data ONTAP 以7-Mode運作的功能、可以使用此範例指令碼來保存備份資料。其中包括三項作業(檢查、說明及執行)、並在指令碼結尾執行。指令碼也包含錯誤訊息處理、代碼為0至4和> 4:
@echo off REM $Id: //depot/prod/capstan/main/src/plugins/windows/examples/backup/create/post/Vault_the_backup.cmd#1 $ REM REM Copyright \(c\) 2011 NetApp, Inc. REM All rights reserved. REM REM REM This is a sample post-task script to vault the qtrees to the secondary storage after successful backup operation. REM|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM| Pre-requisite/Assumption: | REM| SnapVault relationship for the requested secondary storage qtrees must be configured in Secondary storage. | REM|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM REM REM This script can be used from the SnapManager graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager GUI, follow these steps: REM 1. From the Backup wizard > Task Specification page > Post-Tasks tab > select the post-task scripts from the Available Scripts section. REM REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager CLI, follow these steps: REM 1. create a task specification XML file. REM 2. Add the post-script name in the <post-tasks> tag of the XML file. REM REM Example: REM <post-tasks> REM <task> REM <name>Vault the backup</name> REM <description>Vault the backup</description> REM </task> REM <post-tasks> REM REM IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is provided for reference only. It has been tested with SnapDrive 6.3.0 for Windows but may not work in all environments. Please review and then customize based on your secondary protection requirements. REM REM REM REM REM set /a EXIT=0 set name="Vault the backup" set description="Vault the backup" set parameter=() if /i "%1" == "-check" goto :check if /i "%1" == "-execute" goto :execute if /i "%1" == "-describe" goto :describe :usage echo usage: %0 ^{ -check ^| -describe ^| -execute ^} set /a EXIT=99 goto :exit :check set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit :describe echo SM_PI_NAME:%name% echo SM_PI_DESCRIPTION:%description% echo SM_PRIMARY_SNAPSHOTS_AND_MOUNT_POINTS : %SM_PRIMARY_SNAPSHOTS_AND_MOUNT_POINTS% set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit REM Split the colon-separated SM_PRIMARY_SNAPSHOTS_AND_MOUNT_POINTS And SnapVault the mountpoints one-by-one :execute set /a EXIT=0 echo "execution started" FOR %%A IN (%SM_PRIMARY_SNAPSHOTS_AND_MOUNT_POINTS%) DO FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%B IN ("%%A") DO sdcli snapvault archive -a %%B -DS %%C %%B if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( set /a EXIT=4 exit /b %EXIT% ) echo "execution ended" goto :exit :exit echo Command complete. exit /b %EXIT%
如果您使用叢集Data ONTAP 式的樣例指令碼來鏡射備份、其中包括三項作業(檢查、說明及執行)、並在指令碼結尾執行。指令碼也包含錯誤訊息處理、代碼為0至4和> 4:
@echo off REM $Id: //depot/prod/capstan/main/src/plugins/windows/examples/backup/create/post/Mirror_the_backup_cDOT.cmd#1 $ REM REM Copyright \(c\) 2011 NetApp, Inc. REM All rights reserved. REM REM REM This is a sample post-task script to mirror the volumes to the secondary storage after successful backup operation. REM|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM| Pre-requisite/Assumption: | REM| SnapMirror relationship should be set for the primary volumes and secondary volumes | REM|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM REM REM This script can be used from the SnapManager graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager GUI, follow these steps: REM 1. From the Backup wizard > Task Specification page > Post-Tasks tab > select the post-task scripts from the Available Scripts section. REM REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager CLI, follow these steps: REM 1. create a task specification XML file. REM 2. Add the post-script name in the <post-tasks> tag of the XML file. REM REM Example: REM <preposttask-specification xmlns="http://www.netapp.com"> REM <task-specification> REM <post-tasks> REM <task> REM <name>"Mirror the backup for cDOT"</name> REM </task> REM </post-tasks> REM </task-specification> REM </preposttask-specification> REM REM REM REM IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is provided for reference only. It has been tested with SnapDrive 7.0 for Windows but may not work in all environments. Please review and then customize based on your secondary protection requirements. REM set /a EXIT=0 set name="Mirror the backup cDOT" set description="Mirror the backup cDOT" set parameter=() if /i "%1" == "-check" goto :check if /i "%1" == "-execute" goto :execute if /i "%1" == "-describe" goto :describe :usage echo usage: %0 ^{ -check ^| -describe ^| -execute ^} set /a EXIT=99 goto :exit :check set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit :describe echo SM_PI_NAME:%name% echo SM_PI_DESCRIPTION:%description% set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit REM - Split the comma-separated SM_PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS then Mirror the PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS one-by-one. :execute set /a EXIT=0 echo "execution started" REM FOR %%G IN (%SM_PRIMARY_MOUNT_POINTS%) DO powershell.exe -file "c:\snapmirror.ps1" %%G < CON powershell.exe -file "c:\snapmirror.ps1" %SM_PRIMARY_FULL_SNAPSHOT_NAME_FOR_TAG% < CON if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( set /a EXIT=4 exit /b %EXIT% ) echo "execution ended" goto :exit :exit echo Command complete. exit /b %EXIT%
如果您使用叢集Data ONTAP 式的支援、可以使用此範例指令碼來保存備份。其中包括三項作業(檢查、說明及執行)、並在指令碼結尾執行。指令碼也包含錯誤訊息處理、代碼為0至4和> 4:
@echo off REM $Id: //depot/prod/capstan/main/src/plugins/windows/examples/backup/create/post/Vault_the_backup_cDOT.cmd#1 $ REM REM Copyright \(c\) 2011 NetApp, Inc. REM All rights reserved. REM REM REM This is a sample post-task script to do vault update to the secondary storage after successful backup operation. REM|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM| Pre-requsite/Assumption: | REM| Vaulting relationship with policy and rule needs to be established between primary and secondary storage volumes | REM|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| REM REM REM This script can be used from the SnapManager graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager GUI, follow these steps: REM REM 1. From the Backup wizard > Task Specification page > Post-Tasks tab > select the post-task scripts from the Available Scripts section. REM 2. You can view the parameters available in the post-task script in the Parameter section of the Task Specification page. REM 3. Provide values to the following parameters: REM SNAPSHOT_LABEL - Label Name to be set for snapshots before doing the vault update REM REM FOR WINDOWS ITS ADVISED TO USE THE post-task script FROM THE GUI BY SAVING THE BELOW SPEC XML AND GIVING THIS IN THE GUI LOAD XML FILE . REM REM To execute the post-task script for the backup operation from SnapManager CLI, follow these steps: REM 1. create a task specification XML file. REM 2. Add the post-script name in the <post-tasks> tag of the XML file . REM Example: REM <preposttask-specification xmlns="http://www.netapp.com"> REM <task-specification> REM <post-tasks> REM <task> REM <name>"Vault the backup for cDOT"</name> REM <parameter> REM <name>SNAPSHOT_LABEL</name> REM <value>TST</value> REM </parameter> REM </task> REM </post-tasks> REM </task-specification> REM </preposttask-specification> REM REM REM IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is provided for reference only. It has been tested with SnapDrive 7.0.0 for Windows but may not work in all environments. Please review and then customize based on your secondary protection requirements. REM REM REM Need to take care of the parameter variable, its not like shell script array handling, so declare a new variable REM for one more argument and set that variable SM_PI_PARAMETER in the describe method. Then only that variable will be REM Visible in the GUI task specification wizard else it wont list. set /a EXIT=0 set name="Vault the backup for cDOT" set description="Vault the backup For cDOT volumes" set parameter=SNAPSHOT_LABEL : if /i "%1" == "-check" goto :check if /i "%1" == "-execute" goto :execute if /i "%1" == "-describe" goto :describe :usage echo usage: %0 ^{ -check ^| -describe ^| -execute ^} set /a EXIT=99 goto :exit :check set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit :describe echo SM_PI_NAME:%name% echo SM_PI_DESCRIPTION:%description% echo SM_PI_PARAMETER:%parameter% set /a EXIT=0 goto :exit REM Split the colon-separated SM_PRIMARY_SNAPSHOTS_AND_MOUNT_POINTS And SnapVault the mountpoints one-by-one :execute set /a EXIT=0 echo "execution started" powershell.exe -file "c:\snapvault.ps1" %SM_PRIMARY_FULL_SNAPSHOT_NAME_FOR_TAG% %SNAPSHOT_LABEL% < CON if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" ( set /a EXIT=4 exit /b %EXIT% ) echo "execution ended" goto :exit :exit echo Command complete. exit /b %EXIT%