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BlueXP ransomware protection

Release notes: What's new with BlueXP ransomware protection

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Learn what's new in BlueXP ransomware protection.

1 July 2024

  • Bring your own license (BYOL): With this release, you can use a BYOL license, which is a NetApp License File (NLF) that you obtain from your NetApp Sales Rep.

  • Restore application workload at the file level: Before you restore an application workload at the file level, you can now view a list of files that might have been impacted by an attack and identify those you want to restore. You can let BlueXP ransomware protection choose the files to restore, you can upload a CSV file that lists all the files impacted by an alert, or you can manually identify which files you want to restore.

    Note With this release, if all BlueXP Connectors in an account are not using Podman, the single file restore feature is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled for that account.
  • Download a list of impacted files before restoring an application workload at the file level. You can now access the Alerts page to download a list of impacted files in a CSV file and then use the Recovery page to upload the CSV file.

  • Delete protection plan: With this release, you can now delete a ransomware protection strategy.

10 June 2024

This release of BlueXP ransomware protection includes the following updates:

14 May 2024

This release is the general availability release of BlueXP ransomware protection. It includes the following updates:

  • Licensing updates: You can sign up for a 90-day free trial. Soon you be will be able to purchase a pay-as-you-go subscription with Amazon Web Services Marketplace or bring your own NetApp license.

  • CIFS protocol: The service now supports on-premises ONTAP and Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS working environments using both NFS and CIFS protocols. The previous release supported only the NFS protocol.

  • Workload details: This release now provides more details in the workload information from the Protection and other pages for improved workload protection assessment. From the workload details, you can review the currently assigned policy and review the configured backup destinations.

  • Application-consistent and VM-consistent protection and recovery: You can now perform application-consistent protection with NetApp SnapCenter Software and VM-consistent protection with SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere, achieving a quiescent and consistent state to avoid potential data loss later if recovery is needed. If recovery is required, you can restore the application or VM back to any of the previously available states.

  • Ransomware protection strategies: If Snapshot or Backup policies do not exist on the workload, you can create a ransomware protection strategy, which can include the following policies that you create in this service:

  • Enable threat detection is now available using a third-party security and event management (SIEM) system. The Dashboard now shows a new recommendation to "Enable threat detection" which can be configured on the Settings page.

  • Dismiss false positive alerts: From the Alerts tab, you can now dismiss false positives or decide to recover your data immediately.

  • New detection statuses appear on the Protection page showing the status of the ransomware detection applied to the workload.

  • Download CSV files from the Protection, Alerts, and Recovery pages.

  • View documentation link is now included in the UI. You can access this documentation from the Dashboard vertical Actions Vertical Actions option option. Select What's new to view details in the Release Notes or Documentation to view the BlueXP ransomware protection documentation Home page.

  • BlueXP backup and recovery: The BlueXP backup and recovery service no longer needs to be already enabled on the working environment. See prerequisites. The BlueXP ransomware protection service helps configure a backup destination through the Settings option. See Configure settings.

  • Settings option: You can now set up backup destinations in BlueXP ransomware protection Settings.

5 March 2024

This preview release of BlueXP ransomware protection includes the following updates:

6 October 2023

The BlueXP ransomware protection service is a SaaS solution for protecting data, detecting potential attacks, and recovering data from a ransomware attack.

For the preview version, the service protects application-based workloads of Oracle, MySQL, VM datastores, and file shares on on-premises NAS storage as well as Cloud Volumes ONTAP on AWS (using the NFS protocol) across BlueXP accounts individually and backs up data to Amazon Web Services cloud storage.

The BlueXP ransomware protection service provides full use of several NetApp technologies so that your data security administrator or security operations engineer can accomplish the following goals:

  • View ransomware protection on all your workloads at a glance.

  • Gain insight into ransomware protection recommendations

  • Improve protection posture based on BlueXP ransomware protection recommendations.

  • Assign ransomware protection policies to protect your top workloads and high-risk data against ransomware attacks.

  • Monitor the health of your workloads against ransomware attacks looking for data anomalies.

  • Quickly assess the impact of ransomware incidents on your workload.

  • Recover from ransomware incidents intelligently by restoring data and ensuring that reinfection from stored data does not occur.