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BlueXP ransomware protection

Download reports

Contributors amgrissino

You can download CSV files that show details of protection, alerts, and recovery and save them as .CSV files.

Before you download the CSV files, you should refresh the data, which also refreshes data that will appear in the files.

You can download CSV files from any of the main menu options:

  • Protection: Contains the status and details of all workloads, including the total number protected and at risk.

  • Alerts: Includes the status and details of all alerts, including the total number of alerts and automated Snapshots.

  • Recovery: Includes the status and details of all workloads that need to be restored, including the total number of workloads marked "Restore needed", "In progress," "Restore failed" and "Successfully restored."

If you download CSV files from the Protection, Alerts, or Recovery page, the data shows only the data on that page.

The CSV files include data for all workloads on all BlueXP working environments.

  1. From the BlueXP left navigation, select Protection > Ransomware protection.

    Dashboard page

  2. From the Dashboard or other page, select the Refresh Refresh option option in the upper right to refresh the data that will appear in the reports.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • From the Dashboard or other page, select the Download Download option option.

    • From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Reports.

  4. If you selected the Reports option, select one of the preconfigured CSV file names and select Download (CSV) or Download (JSON).

    Reports page