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BlueXP ransomware protection

Access BlueXP ransomware protection

Contributors amgrissino

You use NetApp BlueXP to log in to the BlueXP ransomware protection service.

BlueXP ransomware protection uses role-based access control (RBAC) to govern the access that each user has to specific actions. For details about the actions that each role can perform, see BlueXP ransomware protection role-based access control privileges.

To log in to BlueXP, you can use your NetApp Support Site credentials or you can sign up for a NetApp cloud login using your email and a password. Learn more about logging in.

  1. Open a web browser and go to the BlueXP console.

    The NetApp BlueXP login page appears.

  2. Log in to BlueXP.

  3. From the BlueXP left navigation, select Protection > Ransomware protection.

    If this is your first time logging in to this service, the landing page appears.

    Landing page screenshot for BlueXP ransomware protection

    Otherwise, the BlueXP ransomware protection Dashboard appears.

    BlueXP ransomware protection Dashboard

    Note If you don't have a BlueXP Connector or it's not the one for this service, you might need to contact NetApp Support.
  4. If you haven't done so already, select the Discover workloads option.

    Refer to Discover workloads.