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BlueXP ransomware protection

Protect workloads against ransomware attacks

Contributors amgrissino

You can protect workloads against ransomware attacks by completing the following actions using BlueXP ransomware protection.

  • Change existing workload protection details.

  • Enable workload-consistent protection, which works with SnapCenter Software or SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere.

  • Create or manage ransomware protection strategies that include policies that you create for Snapshots, backups, and ransomware detection.

  • Import a strategy and adjust it.

  • Delete a protection strategy.

Protection information

The Protection page shows the following information about workload protection:

Protection status: A workload can show one of the following protection statuses to indicate whether a policy is applied or not:

  • Protected: A policy is applied.

  • At risk: No policy is applied.

  • In progress: A policy is being applied but not completed yet.

  • Failed: A policy is applied but is not working.

Detection status: A workload can have one of the following ransomware detection statuses:

  • Learning: A ransomware detection policy was recently assigned to the workload and the service is scanning workloads.

  • Active: A ransomware detection protection policy is assigned.

  • Not set: A ransomware detection protection policy is not assigned.

  • Error: A ransomware detection policy was assigned, but the service has encountered an error.

Detection policy: The name of the ransomware detection policy appears, if one has been assigned. If the detection policy has not been assigned, "N/A" appears.

Snapshot and backup policies: This column shows the Snapshot and backup policies applied to the workload and the product or service that is managing those policies.

  • Managed by SnapCenter

  • Managed by SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere

  • Managed by BlueXP backup and recovery

  • Name of ransomware protection policy that governs Snapshots and backups

  • None

Workload importance

BlueXP ransomware protection assigns an importance or priority to each workload during discovery based on an analysis of each workload. The workload importance is determined by the following Snapshot frequencies:

  • Critical: Snapshot copies taken more than 1 per hour (highly aggressive protection schedule)

  • Important: Snapshot copies taken less than 1 per hour but greater than 1 per day

  • Standard: Snapshot copies taken more than 1 per day

Predefined ransomware detection policies based on workload importance

You can choose one of the following BlueXP ransomware protection predefined policies that are aligned with workload importance:

Policy level Snapshot Frequency Retention (Days) # of Snapshot copies Total Max # of Snapshot copies

Critical workload policy

Quarter hourly

Every 15 min





Every 1 day





Every 1 week





Every 30 days




Important workload policy

Quarter hourly

Every 30 mins





Every 1 day





Every 1 week





Every 30 days




Standard workload policy

Quarter hourly

Every 30 min





Every 1 day





Every 1 week





Every 30 days




View ransomware protection on a workload

One of the first steps in protecting workloads is viewing your current workloads and their protection status. You can see the following types of workloads:

  • Application workloads

  • VM workloads

  • File share workloads

  1. From the BlueXP left navigation, select Protection > Ransomware protection.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the Data Protection pane on the Dashboard, select View all.

    • From the menu, select Protection.

      Protection page

  3. From this page, you can view and change protection details for the workload.

Note For workloads that already have a protection policy with SnapCenter or BlueXP backup and recovery service, you cannot edit the protection. For these workloads, BlueXP ransomware enables Autonomous Ransomware Protection and/or FPolicy protection if they are already activated in other services. Learn more about Autonomous Ransomware Protection, BlueXP backup and recovery, and ONTAP FPolicy.

Review workload protection details

You can review protection details such as the workload priority, protection policies, and storage information.

  1. From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Protection.

  2. From the Protection page, select a workload.

    Workload details from the Protection page

    From the workload details page, you can assign a policy to a workload, view alerts, view backup destinations, and view recovery information.

  3. To view the policy associated with the workload, in the Protection pane of the Workload details page, click View policy.

  4. To view workload backup destinations, in the Protection pane of the Workload details page, click the View backup destination.

    A list of configured backup destinations appears.
    For details, see Configure protection settings.

Enable application- or VM-consistent protection with SnapCenter

Enabling application- or VM-consistent protection helps you protect your application or VM workloads in a consistent manner, achieving a quiescent and consistent state to avoid potential data loss later if recovery is needed.

This process initiates registering SnapCenter Software Server for applications or SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere for VMs using BlueXP backup and recovery.

After you enable workload-consistent protection, you can manage protection strategies in BlueXP ransomware protection. The protection strategy includes the Snapshot and Backup policies managed elsewhere along with a ransomware detection policy managed in BlueXP ransomware protection.

To learn about registering SnapCenter or SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere using BlueXP backup and recovery, refer to the following information:

  1. From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Dashboard.

  2. From the Recommendations pane, locate one of the following recommendations and select Review and fix:

    • Register available SnapCenter Server with BlueXP

    • Register available SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere (SCV) with BlueXP

  3. Follow the information to register the SnapCenter or SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere host using BlueXP backup and recovery.

  4. Return to BlueXP ransomware protection.

  5. From BlueXP ransomware protection, go the Dashboard and initiate the discover process again.

  6. From BlueXP ransomware protection, select Protection to view the Protection page.

  7. Review details in the Snapshot and backup policies column on the Protection page to see that the policies are managed elsewhere.

Create a ransomware protection strategy (if you have no Snapshot or Backup policies)

If Snapshot or Backup policies do not exist on the workload, you can create a ransomware protection strategy, which can include the following policies that you create in BlueXP ransomware protection:

  • Snapshot policy

  • Backup policy

  • Ransomware detection policy

Steps to create a ransomware protection strategy
  1. From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Protection.

  2. From the Protection page, select Manage protection strategies.

    Manage strategy page

  3. From the Ransomware protection strategies page, select Add.

    Add strategy page showing the Snapshot section

  4. Enter a new strategy name, or enter an existing name to copy it. If you enter an existing name, choose which one to copy and select Copy.

    Note If you choose to copy and modify an existing strategy, the service appends "_copy" to the original name. You should change the name and at least one setting to make it unique.
  5. For each item, select the Down arrow.

    • Detection policy:

      • Policy: Choose one of the predesigned detection policies.

      • Primary detection: Enable ransomware detection to have the service detect potential ransomware attacks.

      • Block file extensions: Enable this to have the service block known suspicious file extensions. The service takes automated Snapshot copies when Primary detection is enabled.

        If you want to change the blocked file extensions, edit them in System Manager.

    • Snapshot policy:

      • Snapshot policy base ame: Select a policy or select Create and enter a name for the Snapshot policy.

      • Snapshot locking: Enable this to lock the Snapshot copies on primary storage so that they cannot be modified or deleted for a certain period of time even if a ransomware attack manages its way to the backup storage destination. This is also called immutable storage. This enables quicker restore time.

        When a Snapshot is locked, the volume expiration time is set to the expiration time of the Snapshot copy.

        Snapshot copy locking is available with ONTAP 9.12.1 and later. To learn more about SnapLock, refer to SnapLock in ONTAP.

      • Snapshot schedules: Choose schedule options, the number of Snapshot copies to keep, and select to enable the schedule.

    • Backup policy:

      • Backup policy basename: Enter a new or choose an existing name.

      • Backup schedules: Choose schedule options for secondary storage and enable the schedule.

    Tip To enable backup locking on secondary storage, configure your backup destinations using the Settings option. For details, see Configure settings.
  6. Select Add.

Add a detection policy to workloads that already have Snapshot and Backup policies

With BlueXP ransomware protection, you can assign a ransomware detection policy to workloads that already have Snapshot and Backup policies, which are managed in other NetApp products or services. The detection policy will not change the policies managed in other products.

Other services, such as BlueXP backup and recovery and SnapCenter, use the following types of policies to govern workloads:

  • Policies governing Snapshots

  • Policies governing replication to secondary storage

  • Policies governing backups to object storage

  1. From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Protection.

    Manage strategy page

  2. From the Protection page, select a workload, and select Protect.

    The Protect page shows the policies managed by SnapCenter Software, SnapCenter for VMware vSphere, and BlueXP backup and recovery.

    The following example shows policies managed by SnapCenter:

    Protect page showing SnapCenter policies

    The following example shows policies managed by BlueXP backup and recovery:

    Protect page showing BlueXP backup and recovery policies

  3. To see details of the policies managed elsewhere, click the Down arrow.

  4. To apply a detection policy in addition to the Snapshot and backup policies managed elsewhere, select the Detection policy.

  5. Select Protect.

  6. On the Protection page, review the Detection policy column to see the Detection policy assigned. Also, the Snapshot and Backup policies column shows the name of the product or service managing the policies.

Assign a different policy

You can assign a different protection policy replacing the current one.

  1. From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Protection.

  2. From the Protection page, on the workload row, select Edit protection.

  3. In the Policies page, click the down arrow for the policy you want to assign to review the details.

  4. Select the policy you want to assign.

  5. Select Protect to finish the change.

Delete a ransomware protection strategy

You can delete a protection strategy that is not currently associated with any workloads.

  1. From the BlueXP ransomware protection menu, select Protection.

  2. From the Protection page, select Manage ransomware strategies.

  3. In the Manage strategies page, select the Actions Actions button option for the strategy you want to delete.

  4. From the Actions menu, select Delete strategy.