Quick start for BlueXP copy and sync
Getting started with the BlueXP copy and sync service includes a few steps.

You should have gotten started with BlueXP, which includes logging in, setting up an account, and possibly deploying a Connector and creating working environments.
If you want to create sync relationships for any of the following, then you first need to create or discover a working environment:
Amazon FSx for ONTAP
Azure NetApp Files
Cloud Volumes ONTAP
On-prem ONTAP clusters
A Connector is required for Cloud Volumes ONTAP, on-prem ONTAP clusters, and Amazon FSx for ONTAP.

Verify that your source and target are supported and set up. The most important requirement is to verify connectivity between the data broker group and the source and target locations.

The NetApp data broker software syncs data from a source to a target (this is called a sync relationship). You can run the data broker in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or on your premises. A data broker group, which consists of one or more data brokers, needs an outbound internet connection over port 443 so it can communicate with the BlueXP copy and sync service and contact a few other services and repositories. View the list of endpoints.
BlueXP copy and sync guides you through the installation process when you create a sync relationship, at which point you can deploy a data broker in the cloud or download an install script for your own Linux host.

Log in to BlueXP, select Sync, and then drag and drop your selections for the source and target. Follow the prompts to complete the setup. Learn more.

Subscribe from AWS or Azure to pay-as-you-go or to pay annually. Or purchase licenses directly from NetApp. Just go to the License Settings page in BlueXP copy and sync to set it up. Learn more.