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ONTAP Automation


Contributors dmp-netapp

You can use these API calls to manage storage virtual machines (SVMs).


You can migrate an SVM from a source cluster to a destination cluster. The new endpoints provide complete control, including the ability to pause, resume, retrieve status, and abort a migration operation. This resource type was introduced with ONTAP 9.10.

Peer permissions

Peer permissions can be assigned which enable the SVM peering relationships. This resource type was introduced with ONTAP 9.6.


The peering relationships establish connectivity among the SVMs. This resource type was introduced with ONTAP 9.6.


You can manage the SVMs that are bound to a cluster. This resource type was introduced with ONTAP 9.6.

Top metrics

You can access additional performance metrics data for a specific SVM instance. There are four lists available and each provides the top I/O activity for ONTAP FlexVol and FlexGroup volumes. The lists include:

  • Clients

  • Directories

  • Files

  • Users

These resource types were introduced with ONTAP 9.11.


You can use these endpoints to update and retrieve the web services security configuration for each data SVM. This resource type was introduced with ONTAP 9.10.