Enable adminstration of data protection
Suggest changes
You can provide a user with limited data protection capabilities.
About this workflow
The traditional role created is defined with the following characteristics:
Able to create and delete snapshots as well as update SnapMirror relationships
Cannot create or modify higher level objects such as volumes or SVMs
HTTP method and endpoint
This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.
HTTP method | Path |
/api/security/roles |
Curl example
curl --request POST \
--location "https://$FQDN_IP/api/security/roles" \
--include \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $BASIC_AUTH" \
--data @JSONinput
JSON input example
"name": "role1",
"owner": {
"name": "cluster-1",
"uuid": "852d96be-f17c-11ec-9d19-005056bbad91"
"privileges": [
{"path": "volume snapshot create", "access": "all"},
{"path": "volume snapshot delete", "access": "all"},
{"path": "volume show", "access": "readonly"},
{"path": "vserver show", "access": "readonly"},
{"path": "snapmirror show", "access": "readonly"},
{"path": "snapmirror update", "access": "all"}