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ONTAP Automation

Prepare to manage EMS support services

Contributors dmp-netapp

You can configure Event Management System (EMS) processing for an ONTAP cluster as well as retrieve EMS messages as needed.


There are several example workflows available that illustrate how to use the ONTAP EMS services. Before using the workflows and issuing any of the REST API calls, make sure to review Prepare to use the workflows.

If you use Python, also see the scripy for examples of how to automate some of the EMS-related activities.

ONTAP REST API versus ONTAP CLI commands

For many tasks, using the ONTAP REST API requires fewer calls than the equivalent ONTAP CLI commands. The table below includes a list of API calls and the equivalent the CLI commands needed for each task.


GET /support/ems

event config show

POST /support/ems/destinations

  1. event notification destination create

  2. event notification create

GET /support/ems/events

event log show

POST /support/ems/filters

  1. event filter create -filter-name <filtername>

  2. event filter rule add -filter-name <filtername>