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ONTAP Automation

Update cluster contact

Contributors dmp-netapp

You can update the contact information for a cluster. Because the request is processed asynchronously, you also need to determine if the associated background job completed successfully.

Step 1: Update the cluster contact information

You can issue an API call to update the cluster contact information.

HTTP method and endpoint

This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.

HTTP method Path



Processing type


Curl example
curl --request PATCH \
--location "https://$FQDN_IP/api/cluster" \
--include \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Accept: */*" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $BASIC_AUTH" \
--data @JSONinput
JSON input example
  "contact": ""
JSON output example

A job object is returned. You should save the job identifier to use it in the next step.

{ "job": {
    "uuid": "d877f5bb-3aa7-11e9-b6c6-005056a78c89",
    "_links": {
      "self": {
        "href": "/api/cluster/jobs/d877f5bb-3aa7-11e9-b6c6-005056a78c89"

Step 2: Retrieve the status of the job

Perform the workflow Get job instance and confirm the state value is success.

Step 3: Confirm the cluster contact information

Perform the workflow Get cluster configuration. You should set the fields query parameter to contact.