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BeeGFS on NetApp with E-Series Storage







  1. 登录到任何客户端并运行以下命令、以确保所有预期节点均存在/可访问、并且未报告任何不一致或其他问题:

    beegfs-fsck --checkfs
  2. 关闭整个集群、然后重新启动它。从任何文件节点运行以下命令:

    pcs cluster stop --all # Stop the cluster on all file nodes.
    pcs cluster start --all  # Start the cluster on all file nodes.
    pcs status # Verify all nodes and services are started and no failures are reported (the command may need to be reran a few times to allow time for all services to start).
  3. 将每个节点置于备用状态、并验证BeeGFS服务是否能够故障转移到二级节点。要登录到任何文件节点并运行以下命令:

    pcs status # Verify the cluster is healthy at the start.
    pcs node standby <FILE NODE HOSTNAME> # Place the node under test in standby.
    pcs status # Verify services are started on a secondary node and no failures are reported.
    pcs node unstandby <FILE NODE HOSTNAME> # Take the node under test out of standby.
    pcs status # Verify the file node is back online and no failures are reported.
    pcs resource relocate run # Move all services back to their preferred nodes.
    pcs status # Verify services have moved back to the preferred node.
  4. 使用IOR和MDTest等性能基准测试工具验证文件系统性能是否满足预期。有关BeeGFS的常见测试和参数示例、请参见"设计验证"经验证的NetApp架构上的BeeGFS一节。
