。 copy
命令會掃描整個來源目錄結構、並將其複製到目的地 SMB 共用。。 copy
xcp copy \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp copy \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 316 copied, 0 errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
下表列出 copy
參數 | 說明 |
顯示的詳細資訊 |
增加除錯的詳細度。 |
<<smb_copy_parallel,複製平行 ; n> |
指定並行處理程序的數目(預設值: <cpu-count> )。 |
<<smb_copy_match,複製 - 符合 ;篩選器 > |
僅處理符合篩選條件的檔案和目錄(請參閱 |
<<smb_copy_exclude,複製 - 排除 ;篩選器 > |
僅排除篩選器中的檔案和目錄 |
還原上次存取的來源日期。 |
複製安全性資訊。 |
<<smb_copy_acl,複製 - 容錯移轉使用者 ;容錯移轉使用者 > |
指定目標機器上的 Active Directory 使用者或本機(非網域)使用者、該使用者會收到本機(非網域)來源機器使用者的權限。例如、網域 \ 系統管理員。 |
<<smb_copy_acl,複製 -backback-group ; fallback_group> |
指定目標機器上的 Active Directory 群組或本機(非網域)群組、以接收本機(非網域)來源機器群組的權限。例如、網域 \ 系統管理員。 |
複製根目錄的 ACL 。 |
提供在複製 -ACL 作業期間跳過或包含 ACL 驗證的選項。 |
不複製所有權。 |
讀取 / 寫入區塊大小(預設: 1M ) |
將 NTFS 替代資料串流從來源 SMB 共用複製到目的地 SMB 共用。 |
copy -h 、 --help
使用 -h
和 –-help
的參數 copy
命令以顯示有關的詳細資訊 copy
xcp copy –help
C:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy –help usage: xcp copy [-h] [-v] [-parallel <n>] [-match <filter>] [-exclude <filter>] [-preserve- atime] [-acl] [-fallback-user FALLBACK_USER] [-fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP] [-loglevel <name>] [-root] [-noownership] [- aclverify {yes,no}] [-bs <n>] [-ads] source target positional arguments: source target optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v increase debug verbosity -parallel <n> number of concurrent processes (default: <cpu-count>) -match <filter> only process files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help -match` for details) -exclude <filter> Exclude files and directories that match the filter (see `xcp help - exclude` for details) -preserve-atime restore last accessed date on source -acl copy security information -fallback-user FALLBACK_USER the name of the user on the target machine to receive the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine users (eg. domain\administrator) -fallback-group FALLBACK_GROUP the name of the group on the target machine to receive the permissions of local (non-domain) source machine groups (eg. domain\administrators) -loglevel <name> option to set log level filter (default:INFO) -root copy acl for root directory -noownership do not copy ownership -aclverify {yes,no} choose whether you need to skip acl verification -bs <n> read/write block size for copy (default: 1M) -ads copy NTFS alternate data streams.
複本 -v
使用 -v
參數 copy
xcp copy -v \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy -v \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\src \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest\d1 failed to set attributes for "d1": (5, 'CreateDirectory', 'Access is denied.') failed to copy "f1.txt": (5, 'CreateFile', 'Access is denied.') failed to set attributes for "": (5, 'SetFileAttributesW', 'Access is denied.') error setting timestamps on "": errno (code: 5) Access is denied. H:\p 4\xcp_latest\xcp_cifs\xcp\ main .py copy -v \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\src \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest\d1 3 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 1 copied, 0 (0/s), 3 errors Total Time : 3s STATUS : FAILED
複製平行 <n>
使用 -parallel <n>
參數 copy
命令可設定較高或較低數量的 XCP 並行處理程序。的預設值 -parallel
等於 CPU 數。
n 的最大值為 61 。 |
xcp copy -parallel <n> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy -parallel 7 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp copy -parallel 7 \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 316 copied, 0errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
複製 - 比對 <filter>
使用 -match <filter>
參數 copy
xcp copy -match <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy -match "'gx' in name" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp copy -match 'gx' in name \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 317 scanned, 5 matched, 4 copied, 0 errors Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
複製 - 排除 <filter>
使用 -exclude <filter>
參數 copy
xcp copy -exclude <filter> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
在下列範例中、名稱中有字串「 resync 」的檔案和目錄已排除以供複製。
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy -exclude "'resync' in name" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\dest_share xcp copy -exclude 'resync' in name \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\\\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\dest_share 18 scanned, 2 excluded, 0 skipped, 15 copied, 122KiB (50.5KiB/s), 0 errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
複製 - 保留 - atime
使用 -preserve-atime
參數 copy
命令、在 XCP 讀取檔案之前、將「 atime 」重設為原始值。
xcp copy -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp copy -preserve-atime \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 317 scanned, 0 matched, 316 copied, 0 errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
copy -acl -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group>
使用 -acl
參數 copy
用於啟動安全性描述元( ACL )傳輸的命令。
使用 -acl
參數 -fallback-user
和 -fallback-group
用於在目標機器或 Active Directory 上指定使用者和群組的選項、以接收本機(非網域)來源機器使用者或群組的權限。這並不表示來自 Active Directory 的不相符使用者。
xcp copy -acl -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
複製 -aclVerify { yes 、 no }
使用 -aclverify {yes,no}
參數 copy
命令提供在 ACL 複製作業期間跳過或包含 ACL 驗證的選項。
您必須使用 -aclverify {yes,no}
參數 copy -acl
命令。根據預設, ACL 複製作業會驗證 ACL 。如果您設定 -aclverify
選項 no
,您可以跳過 ACL 驗證和 fallback-user
和 fallback-group
不需要選項。如果您已設定 -aclverify
至 yes
、需要 fallback-user
和 fallback-group
xcp copy -acl -aclverify yes -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
C:\NetApp\xcp>xcp copy -acl -aclverify yes -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share 12 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 0 errors, 5s, 0 acls copied 12 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 0 errors, 10s, 0 acls copied 12 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 0 errors, 15s, 0 acls copied xcp copy -acl -aclverify yes -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share 12 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 11 copied, 10KiB (634/s), 0 errors, 11 acls copied Total Time : 16s STATUS : PASSED C:\NetApp\xcp>xcp copy -acl -aclverify no \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share xcp copy -acl -aclverify no \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share 12 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 11 copied, 10KiB (5.61KiB/s), 0 errors, 11 acls copied Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
使用 -root
參數 copy
用於複製根目錄 ACL 的命令。
xcp copy -acl -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
C:\NetApp\XCP>xcp copy -acl -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share xcp copy -acl -root -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 5 copied, 200 (108/s), 0 errors, 6 acls copied Total Time : 1s STATUS : PASSED
copy -no所有權
使用 -noownership
參數 copy
命令、指定不將所有權從來源複製到目的地。您必須使用 -noownership
使用 -acl
選項、而且需要 fallback-user
和 fallback-group
xcp.exe copy -acl -noownership -fallback-user <fallback_user> -fallback-group <fallback_group> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
C:\Netapp\xcp>xcp.exe copy -acl -noownership -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share 568 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 0 errors, 5s, 0 acls copied 568 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 0 copied, 0 (0/s), 0 errors, 10s, 0 acls copied 568 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 135 copied, 4.26MiB (872KiB/s), 0 errors, 15s, 137 acls copied xcp.exe copy -acl -noownership -fallback-user "DOMAIN\User" -fallback-group "DOMAIN\Group" \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share 568 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 567 copied, 17.7MiB (1.01MiB/s), 0 errors, 567 acls copied Total Time : 17s STATUS : PASSED
Copy -BS <n>
使用 -bs <n>
參數 copy
提供讀寫區塊大小的命令。預設值為 1M 。
xcp.exe copy -bs <n> \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\Netapp\xcp>xcp.exe copy -bs 32k \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share xcp.exe copy -bs 32k \\<source_IP_address>\source_share \\<destination_IP_address>\dest_share 568 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 567 copied, 17.7MiB (6.75MiB/s), 0 errors Total Time : 2s STATUS : PASSED
使用 -ads
參數 copy
命令將 NTFS 替代資料串流從來源 SMB 共用複製到目的地 SMB 共用。
xcp copy -ads \\<IP address or hostname of SMB server>\source_share \\<IP address of SMB destination server>\dest_share
c:\netapp\xcp>xcp copy -ads \\<source_IP_address>\source_share\src \\<dest_IP_address>\dest_share 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (2.41/s), 0 errors, 5s, 10 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 10s, 11 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 15s, 12 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 20s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 25s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 30s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 35s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 40s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 45s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 2m15s, 13 ads copied 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 3 copied, 13 (0/s), 0 errors, 3m5s, 13 ads copied xcp copy -ads \\<source_IP_address>\source_share\src \\<desination_IP_address>\dest_share 6 scanned, 0 matched, 0 skipped, 5 copied, 26 (0.137/s), 0 errors, 14 ads copied Total Time : 3m9s STATUS : PASSED