OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.0 docs
Release Notes
Installation and setup for Linux
Overview of OnCommand Workflow Automation
OnCommand Workflow Automation deployment architecture
OnCommand Workflow Automation installation and setup overview
Known limitations for OnCommand Workflow Automation
System requirements for installing OnCommand Workflow Automation
Ports required for Workflow Automation
Prerequisites for installing Workflow Automation
Install Perl modules on CentOS and RHEL
Managing high availability
Set up Workflow Automation in VCS for high availability
Configure VCS to install OnCommand Workflow Automation
Install OnCommand Workflow Automation on Linux
Configure Workflow Automation in VCS
Configure an earlier version of OnCommand Workflow Automation for high availability
Uninstall Workflow Automation in a VCS environment
Back up and restore the OnCommand Workflow Automation database and configurations on Linux
Set up OnCommand Workflow Automation
Access OnCommand Workflow Automation
OnCommand Workflow Automation data sources
Configuring a database user on Active IQ Data Center Manager
Configure a database user by running ocsetup on Windows
Configure a database user by running ocsetup on Linux
Set up a data source
Add an upgraded Data Center Manager server as a data source
Create local users
Configure the credentials of a target system
Configuring OnCommand Workflow Automation
Configure AutoSupport
Configure authentication settings
Add Active Directory groups
Configure email notifications
Configure SNMP
Configure Syslog
Configure protocols for connecting to remote systems
Disable the default password policy
Modify the default password policy
Enable or disable remote access to the OnCommand Workflow Automation database
Modify the transaction timeout setting of OnCommand Workflow Automation
Configure the timeout value for Workflow Automation
Upgrade from OnCommand Workflow Automation 3.1 or later
Pack identification during upgrade
Upgrading third-party products
Upgrade JRE on Linux
Upgrade MySQL on Linux
Backing up the OnCommand Workflow Automation database
Back up the WFA database from the web portal
Backing up the WFA database using the CLI
Back up (full) the WFA database using the CLI
Back up (regular) the WFA database using the CLI
Backing up the WFA database using REST APIs
Perform a full backup of the WFA database using REST APIs
Perform a regular backup of the WFA database using REST APIs
Restoring the OnCommand Workflow Automation database
Restore the WFA database
Restoring the WFA database using the CLI
Restore (full) the WFA database using the CLI
Restore (regular) the WFA database using the CLI
Restoring the WFA database using REST APIs
Restore (full) the WFA database using REST APIs
Restore (regular) the WFA database using REST APIs
Reset the admin password created during installation
Import OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Considerations while importing OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Migrate the OnCommand Workflow Automation installation
Uninstall OnCommand Workflow Automation
Managing OnCommand Workflow Automation SSL certificate
Replace the default Workflow Automation SSL certificate
Create a certificate signing request for Workflow Automation
Managing Perl and Perl modules
Configure your preferred Perl distribution
Troubleshooting installation and configuration issues
Cannot view Performance Advisor data in WFA
Create a support case for OnCommand Workflow Automation
Related documentation for OnCommand Workflow Automation
Installation and setup for Windows
Overview of OnCommand Workflow Automation
OnCommand Workflow Automation deployment architecture
OnCommand Workflow Automation installation and setup overview
System requirements for installing OnCommand Workflow Automation
Ports required for Workflow Automation
Prerequisites for installing Workflow Automation
Install OnCommand Workflow Automation on Windows
Managing high availability
Set up Workflow Automation in MSCS for high availability
Configure MSCS to install Workflow Automation
Install OnCommand Workflow Automation on Windows
Configure Workflow Automation with MSCS
Configure earlier versions of OnCommand Workflow Automation for high availability
Uninstall Workflow Automation in an MSCS environment
Back up and restore the OnCommand Workflow Automation database and configurations on Windows
Setting up OnCommand Workflow Automation
Access OnCommand Workflow Automation
OnCommand Workflow Automation data sources
Configuring a database user on Active IQ Data Center Manager
Configure a database user by running ocsetup on Windows
Configure a database user by running ocsetup on Linux
Set up a data source
Add an upgraded Data Center Manager server as a data source
Create local users
Configure the credentials of a target system
Configuring OnCommand Workflow Automation
Configure AutoSupport
Configure authentication settings
Add Active Directory groups
Configure email notifications
Configure SNMP
Configure Syslog
Configure protocols for connecting to remote systems
Disable the default password policy
Modify the default password policy for Windows
Enable remote access to the OnCommand Workflow Automation database on Windows
Restrict access rights of OnCommand Workflow Automation on the host
Modify the transaction timeout setting of OnCommand Workflow Automation
Configure the timeout value for Workflow Automation
Upgrade OnCommand Workflow Automation
Upgrade from OnCommand Workflow Automation 3.1 or later versions
Pack identification during upgrade
Upgrading third-party products
Upgrade JRE
Upgrade MySQL
Upgrade ActiveState Perl
Backing up the OnCommand Workflow Automation database
Back up the WFA database from the web portal
Back up the WFA database using the PowerShell script
Backing up the WFA database using the CLI
Back up (full) the WFA database using the CLI
Back up (regular) the WFA database using the CLI
Backing up the WFA database using REST APIs
Perform a full backup of the WFA database using REST APIs
Perform a regular backup of the WFA database using REST APIs
Restoring the OnCommand Workflow Automation database
Restore the WFA database
Restoring the WFA database using the CLI
Restore (full) WFA database using the CLI
Restore (regular) WFA database using the CLI
Restoring the WFA database using REST APIs
Restore (full) the WFA database using REST APIs
Restore (regular) the WFA database using REST APIs
Reset the admin password created during installation
Import OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Considerations while importing OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Migrate the OnCommand Workflow Automation installation
Uninstall OnCommand Workflow Automation
Managing OnCommand Workflow Automation SSL certificate
Replace the default Workflow Automation SSL certificate
Create a certificate signing request for Workflow Automation
Managing Perl and Perl modules
Configure your preferred Perl distribution
Manage site-specific Perl modules
Repair the ActivePerl installation
Troubleshooting installation and configuration issues
Cannot open the OnCommand Workflow Automation login page
Cannot view Performance Advisor data in WFA
OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) displays a blank page on Windows 2012
Create a support case for OnCommand Workflow Automation
Related documentation for OnCommand Workflow Automation
Manage and configure
Overview of OnCommand Workflow Automation
Create local users
Configuring OnCommand Workflow Automation
Configure authentication settings
Configure email notifications
Configure SNMP
Configure Syslog
Configure AutoSupport
Configure email notifications for data source acquisition failures
Configure resource reservation for workflows
Configure the credentials of a target system
Configure protocols for connecting to remote systems
OnCommand Workflow Automation Designer features
How repeat row works
What approval points are
How continue on failure works
How resource selection works
How reservation works
What incremental naming is
What conditional execution is
How return parameters work
What schemes are
What remote system types are
How entity versioning works
How you define workflows
How you map command parameters
How user inputs are defined
How you define constants
How you use REST APIs
Set up a data source
Configure a database user by running ocsetup on Windows
Configure a database user by running ocsetup on Linux
Create workflow help content
Reserved words
Where to find information about MVEL
MVEL-enabled fields in OnCommand Workflow Automation
Examples of MVEL syntax
References to learning material
Supported workflows in ONTAP
Import OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Considerations while importing OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Export OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Disable cache acquisition for dictionary entries
Create WFA workflow packs
Delete OnCommand Workflow Automation packs
Add approval points
Define filter rules
Create a scheme
Edit a scheme
Delete a scheme
Add a new remote system type
Log Viewer window
Backup and Restore window
Users Window
New User dialog box
Edit User dialog box
Preferences window
Active Directory Groups window
New Active Directory Group dialog box
Edit Active Directory Group dialog box
Approval Portal window
Data Sources window
New Data Source dialog box
Edit Data Source dialog box
Credentials window
Test Connectivity dialog box
New Credentials dialog box
Edit Credentials dialog box
About dialog box
Portal window
Executions window
Recurring Executions window
Reservations window
Schedules window
New Schedule dialog box
Workflows window
New Workflow window
Parameters for commands dialog box
Resource Selection dialog box
Incremental Naming Wizard
Row Repetition Details dialog box
Workflow <workflow name> window
Execute Workflow dialog box
Edit Variable dialog box
Preview Workflow dialog box
Monitoring window
New Approval Point dialog box
Edit Approval Point dialog box
Finders window
New Finder dialog box
Edit Finder dialog box
Clone Finder dialog box
Filters window
New Filter dialog box
Edit Filter dialog box
Clone Filter dialog box
Commands window
New Command Definition dialog box
Edit Command Definition dialog box
Clone Command Definition dialog box
Functions window
Templates window
New Template dialog box
Edit Template dialog box
Clone Template dialog box
Schemes window
Dictionary window
New Dictionary Entry dialog box
Edit Dictionary Entry dialog box
Clone Dictionary Entry dialog box
Data Source Types window
Remote System Types window
New Remote System Type dialog box
Edit Remote System Type dialog box
Cache Queries window
Add Cache Query dialog box
Edit Cache Query dialog box
Clone Cache Query dialog box
Packs window
New Pack dialog box
Edit Pack dialog box
Categories window
New Category dialog box
Edit Category dialog box
Clone Category dialog box
Storage Automation Store window
Overview of OnCommand Workflow Automation
Understanding Workflow Automation designer
Working with the building blocks in OnCommand Workflow Automation
What data sources are
What dictionary entries are
How commands work
What filters are
What finders are
What functions are
What schemes are
What remote system types are
How you use templates
How you use categories
How entity versioning works
What a playground database is
Managing workflows
Customize predefined workflows
Customize the Create a Volume and a CIFS Share workflow
Creating workflows
Tasks involved in creating workflows
How you define workflows
How user inputs are defined
How you map command parameters
How you define constants
How repeat row works
How resource selection works
How reservation works
What incremental naming is
What conditional execution is
How return parameters work
What approval points are
How you execute custom REST end points
How continue on failure works
Sample workflow requirements checklist
Create a workflow
Create workflow help content
Create WFA workflow packs
Add entities to WFA workflow packs
Delete OnCommand Workflow Automation packs
Export OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Import OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Import WFA workflow packs
Considerations while importing OnCommand Workflow Automation content
Pack identification during upgrade
Integrating WFA workflow packs with the SCM repository
Check in a new workflow pack to SCM
Check in a new version of a WFA workflow pack
Update WFA workflow packs from the SCM server
Check in existing WFA workflow packs to the SCM server
Remove WFA workflow packs from entities
Roll back a WFA workflow pack to its previous version in SCM
Creating building blocks for workflows
Create a data source type
Create a command
Test the reservation script for commands
Create a finder
Create a filter
Create a dictionary entry
Create a function
Create a template
Create a cache query
Create recurring schedules
Define filter rules
Add approval points
Coding guidelines for WFA
Guidelines for variables
Guidelines for indentation
Guidelines for comments
Guidelines for logging
Guidelines for error handling
General PowerShell and Perl conventions for WFA
Perl modules bundled with Windows
Considerations for adding custom PowerShell and Perl modules
WFA cmdlets and functions
PowerShell and Perl WFA modules
Considerations while converting PowerShell commands to Perl
Guidelines for WFA building blocks
Guidelines for SQL in WFA
Guidelines for WFA functions
Guidelines for WFA dictionary entries
Guidelines for commands
Guidelines for workflows
Guidelines for creating validation scripts for remote system types
Guidelines for creating data source types
Reserved words
How you use REST APIs
References to learning material
Related documentation for OnCommand Workflow Automation
Legal notices