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SnapCenter Software 5.0
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Uninstall Windows plug-ins using the PowerShell cmdlet

Contributors netapp-soumikd

You can uninstall individual plug-ins or uninstall plug-ins packages from one or more hosts by using the Uninstall-SmHostPackage cmdlet on the SnapCenter Server host command-line interface.

You should have logged in to SnapCenter as a domain user with local administrator rights on each host on which you want to uninstall the plug-ins.

  1. Launch PowerShell.

  2. On the SnapCenter Server host, enter: Open-SMConnection -SMSbaseUrl https://SNAPCENTER_SERVER_NAME/DOMAIN_NAME command, and then enter your credentials.

  3. Uninstall the Windows plug-ins using the Uninstall-SmHostPackage cmdlet and the required parameters.

    The information regarding the parameters that can be used with the cmdlet and their descriptions can be obtained by running Get-Help command_name. Alternatively, you can also refer the SnapCenter Software Cmdlet Reference Guide.