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Configure multinode scale-out

Contributors netapp-pcarriga netapp-aoife

For XCP NFS, you can overcome the performance limits of a single node by using a single copy (or scan -md5) command to run workers on multiple Linux systems or cluster nodes.

Supported features

Multinode scale-out is helpful in any environment where the performance of a single system is not sufficient, for example, in the following scenarios:

  • When it takes months for a single node to copy petabytes of data

  • When high latency connections to cloud object stores slows down an individual node

  • In large HDFS cluster farms where you run a very large number of I/O operations

Path syntax

The path syntax for multinode scale-out is --nodes worker1,worker2,worker3.

Set up multinode scale-out

Consider a setup with four Linux hosts with similar CPU and RAM configurations. You can use all four hosts for migration because XCP can coordinate the copy operations across all the host nodes. To make use of these nodes in a scale-out environment, you must identify one of the four nodes as the master node and other nodes as worker nodes. For example, for a Linux four-node setup, name the nodes as "master", "worker1", "worker2", and "worker3" and then set up the configuration on the master node:

  1. Copy XCP in the home directory.

  2. Install and activate the XCP license.

  3. Modify the xcp.ini file and add the catalog path.

  4. Set passwordless Secure Shell (SSH) from the master node to the worker nodes:

    1. Generate the key on the master node:

      ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ''

    2. Copy the key to all the worker nodes:

      ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/ root@worker1

The XCP master node uses SSH to run workers on other nodes. You must configure the worker nodes to enable passwordless SSH access for the user running XCP on the master node. For example, to enable a user demonstration on a master node to use node "worker1" as an XCP worker node, you must copy XCP binary from the master node to all the worker nodes in the home directory.


When you start up multiple XCP workers simultaneously, to avoid errors, you should increase the sshd MaxStartups parameter on each worker node as shown in the following example:

echo "MaxStartups 100" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo systemctl restart sshd
The "nodes.ini" file

When XCP runs a worker on a cluster node, the worker process inherits the environment variables from the main XCP process on the master node. To customize a particular node environment, you must set the variables in the nodes.ini file in the configuration directory only on the master node (worker nodes do not have a configuration directory or catalog). For example, for an ubuntu server mars that has its in a different location to the master node, such as wave (which is CentOS), it requires a configuration directory to allow a worker on mars to use the HDFS connector. This setup is shown in the following example:

[schay@wave ~]$ cat /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/nodes.ini [mars]

If you are using a multisession with POSIX and HDFS file paths, you must mount the file system and the source and destination exported file system on the master node and all worker nodes.

When XCP runs on a worker node, the worker node has no local configuration (no license, log files, or catalog). XCP binary only is required on the system in your home directory. For example, to run the copy command, the master node and all worker nodes need access to the source and destination. For xcp copy --nodes linux1,linux2 hdfs:///user/demo/test file:///mnt/ontap, the linux1 and linux2 hosts must have the HDFS client software configured and the NFS export mounted on /mnt/ontap, and, as mentioned previously, a copy of the XCP binary in the home directory.

Combine POSIX and HDFS connectors, multinode scale-out, and security features

You can use the POSIX and HDFS connectors, multinode scale-out, and security features in combination. For example, the following copy and verify commands combine POSIX and HDFS connectors with the security and scale-out features:

  • copy command example:

    ./xcp copy hdfs:///user/demo/d1 file:///mnt/nfs-server0/d3
    ./xcp copy -match "'USER1 in name'" file:///mnt/nfs-server0/d3
    ./xcp copy —node worker1,worker2,worker3 hdfs:///user/demo/d1
  • verify command example:

    ./xcp verify hdfs:///user/demo/d2 file:///mnt/nfs-server0/d3