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Set the logConfig option

Contributors netapp-aoife

Learn about the logConfig option in the xcpLogConfig.json JSON configuration file for XCP NFS and SMB.

The following example shows the JSON configuration file set with the “logConfig” option:


  • With this configuration you can filter messages according to their severity by selecting a valid level value from CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and Debug.

  • The maxBytes setting enables you to change the file size of the rotating log files. The default is 50MB. Setting the value to 0 stops rotation and a single file is created for all logs.

  • The name option configures the name of the log file.

  • If any key value pair is missing, the system uses the default value. If you make a mistake specifying the name of an existing key, it is treated as a new key, and the new key does not affect how the systems works or system functionality.