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ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10.1

Verify registered VASA provider

Contributors netapp-jani

Verify that the onboarded VASA provider is listed under VASA Provider from vCenter client UI and from remote plug-in UI.


  1. To verify VASA Provider from vCenter client UI follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to vCenter Server.

    2. Log in with the administrator credentials.

    3. Select Storage Providers.

    4. Select Configure.

    5. Under Storage Provider/storage backends verify that the onboarded VASA provider is listed correctly.

  2. To verify VASA Provider from the remote plug-in UI follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the vSphere client using https://vcenterip/ui

    2. In the shortcuts page, click on NetApp ONTAP tools under the plug-ins section.

    3. You can see the registered VASA Provider in the overview page and in the Settings > VASA provider settings page.