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ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10.3

Update SRA credentials

Contributors netapp-jani

For VMware Live Site Recovery to communicate with SRA, you should update SRA credentials on the VMware Live Site Recovery server if you have modified the credentials.

Before you begin

You should have executed the steps mentioned in the topic Configuring SRA on VMware Live Site Recovery appliance.

  1. Run the following commands to delete the VMware Live Site Recovery machine folder cached ONTAP tools username password:

    1. sudo su <enter root password>

    2. docker ps

    3. docker exec -it <container_id> sh

    4. cd conf/

    5. rm -rf *

  2. Run the Perl command to configure SRA with the new credentials:

    1. cd ..

    2. perl -I --otv-ip <OTV_IP>:8443 --otv-username <OTV_ADMIN_USERNAME> --otv-password <OTV_ADMIN_PASSWORD> --vcenter-guid <VCENTER_GUID> You need to have a single quote around the password value.

      A success message confirming that the storage credentials are stored is displayed. SRA can communicate with SRA server using the provided IP address, port and credentials.