Your first ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10 REST API call
You can issue an API call using curl to get started with the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10 REST API.
Before you begin
You should review the required information and parameters needed in the curl examples.
You need the following:
ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10 IP address or FQDN as well as the port
Credentials for the ONTAP tools Manager admin (username and password)
The curl examples presented below include Bash style variables. You can set these variables in the Bash environment or manually update them before issuing the commands. If you set the variables, the shell will substitute the values into each command before it's executed. The variables are described in the table below.
Variable | Description |
The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the ONTAP tools Manager along with the port number. |
Username for the ONTAP tools Manager account. |
Password associated with the ONTAP tools Manager username. |
The access token issued by the ONTAP tools Manager. |
The following commands and output at the Linux CLI illustrate how a variable can be set and displayed:
Step 1: Acquire an access token
You need to acquire an access token to use the REST API. An example of how to request an access token is presented below. You should substitute in the appropriate values for your environment.
Copy and save the the access token provided in the response.
Step 2: Issue the REST API call
After you have an access token, you can use curl to issue a REST API call. Include the access token acquired in the first step.
The JSON response includes a list of the VMware vCenter instances configured to the ONTAP tools Manager.