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ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10.3

Change ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere configuration

Contributors netapp-jani

Using the ONTAP tools Manager scale up the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere configuration to increase the number of nodes in the deployment or change the configuration to High Availability (HA) setup. The ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere appliance is initially deployed in a single node non-HA configuration.

Before you begin

Ensure that the OVA template you provide has the same OVA version as Node 1. Node 1 is the default node where the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere OVA is initially deployed.

  1. Launch ONTAP tools Manager from a web browser: https://<ONTAPtoolsIP>:8443/virtualization/ui/

  2. Log in with the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere administrator credentials you provided during deployment.

  3. Select the Edit Appliance Settings in the overview section.

  4. In the Configuration section, you can scale up to increase the node size and enable HA configuration as per your requirement. You need the vCenter Server credentials to make any changes.

    When ONTAP tools is in HA configuration, you can change the content library details. You should provide the password again for the new edit submission.

    Note In ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere, you are only allowed to increase the node size; you cannot reduce the node size. In a non-HA setup, only a medium-size configuration is supported. In an HA setup, medium and large configurations are supported.
  5. Use the HA toggle button to enable the HA configuration. On the HA settings page, ensure that:

    • The content library belongs to the same vCenter Server where the ONTAP tools node VMs run. vCenter Server credentials are used to validate and download the OVA template for appliance changes.

    • The virtual machine hosting the ONTAP tools is not directly deployed on an ESXi host. The VM should be deployed on a cluster or a resource pool.

      Note Once HA configuration is enabled, you cannot revert to a non-HA single node configuration.
  6. In the HA settings section of the Edit Appliance Settings window, you can enter the details of Nodes 2 and 3. ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere supports three nodes in HA setup.

    Note Most of the input options are pre-filled with Node 1 network details for ease of workflow. However, you can edit the input data before navigating to the wizard's final page. You can enter IPv6 address details for the other two nodes only when the IPv6 address is enabled on the first node.

    Ensure that an ESXi host contains only one ONTAP tools VM. The inputs are validated each time you move to the next window.

  7. Review the details in the Summary section and Save the changes.

What's next?

The Overview page shows the deployment's status. Using the job ID, you can also track the edit appliance settings job status from the jobs view.

If HA deployment fails and the status of the new node shows as ‘New,’ then delete the new VM in the vCenter before retrying the enable HA operation.

The Alerts tab on the left panel lists alerts for ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere.