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ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 10.3

ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere dashboard overview

Contributors netapp-jani

When you select the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere plug-in icon in the shortcuts section on the vCenter client, the user interface navigates to the overview page. This page acts like the dashboard providing you the summary of the ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere plug-in.

In the case of Enhanced Linked Mode setup (ELM), the vCenter Server select dropdown appears and you can select a desired vCenter Server to see the data relevant to it. This dropdown is available for all the other listing views of the plugin. vCenter Server selection made in one page persists across the tabs of the plug-in. Dashboard overview

From the overview page, you can run the Discovery action. Discovery action runs the discovery at vCenter level to detect any newly added or updated storage backends, hosts, datastores, and protection status/relationships. You can run an on-demand discovery of entities without having to wait for the scheduled discovery.

Note Action button will be enabled only if you have the privilege to perform the discovery action.

Once the discovery request is submitted, you can track the progress of the action in the recent tasks panel.

The dashboard has several cards showing different elements of the system. The following table shows the different cards and what they represent.




The Status card shows the number of storage backends and the overall health status of the storage backends and the VASA Provider.

Storage backends status shows Healthy when all the storage backends status is normal and it shows Unhealthy if any one of the storage backends has an issue (Unknown/Unreachable/Degraded status).

Select the tool tip to open the status details of the storage backends. You can select any storage backend for more details. Other VASA Provider states link shows the current state of the VASA Provider that is registered in the vCenter Server.

Storage Backends - Capacity

This card shows the aggregated used and available capacity of all storage backends for the selected vCenter Server instance.

In case of ASA r2 storage systems, the capacity data is not shown as it is a disaggregated system.

Virtual machines

This card shows the top 10 VMs sorted by performance metric. You can select the header to get the top 10 VMs for the selected metric sorted by either ascending or descending order. The sorting and filtering changes made on the card persists until you change or clear the browser cache.


This card shows the top 10 datastores sorted by a performance metric. You can select the header to get the top 10 datastores for the selected metric sorted by either ascending or descending order. The sorting and filtering changes made on the card persists until you change or clear the browser cache. There is a Datastore type drop-down to select the type of the datastores - NFS, VMFS, or vVols.

ESXi Host compliance card

This card shows overall compliance status of all ESXi hosts (for the selected vCenter) settings with respect to the recommended NetApp host settings by settings group/category. You can select Apply Recommended Settings link to apply the recommended settings. You can select the compliant status of the hosts to see the list of hosts.