Learn about SolidFire Active IQ
Before you start using SolidFire Active IQ, you should be aware of how SolidFire Active IQ works and what information it collects.
How SolidFire Active IQ works
Services such as collector and telemetry run on a management node. These services are configured with read-only access to a cluster and make API calls to a cluster on a scheduled basis to gather key performance, capacity, and health metrics. This information is uploaded to the SolidFire Active IQ cloud database by using HTTPs, where it is processed and made available to you and NetApp Support through the SolidFire Active IQ UI. You can view the most recent API payloads and collection intervals received for a cluster in the SolidFire Active IQ UI by logging in using your SSO credentials and selecting API Collection from the Reporting drop-down menu.
Information collected by SolidFire Active IQ
SolidFire Active IQ collects information about volumes, clusters, nodes, performance, and configurations:
Resource IDs such as volume, snapshots, and account node IDs
Performance and capacity data for clusters and volumes
Error and event history
NetApp HCI and Element software versions
Quality of Service (QoS) configurations
Volume details such as size, creation date, and so on
Volume access group and session configurations
Node and cluster network configurations
SolidFire Active IQ does not collect the following customer sensitive information:
Actual end-user data
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) secrets
Cluster administrative user information