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Create a SnapMirror replication relationship

Contributors netapp-ranuk

You can use this workflow to create a new SnapMirror replication relationship to an ONTAP working environment. You can replicate data between working environments by choosing a one-time data replication for data transfer, or a recurring schedule for disaster recovery or long-term retention.

Note This workflow varies slightly depending on the cloud provider you are using.

Step 1. Select the working environment

Based on the cloud provider, you need to perform the corresponding workflow to retrieve the identifier of the working environment.


Perform the workflow Get AWS working environments and choose the publicId and svmName values for the source and destination.


Perform the workflow Get Azure working environments and choose the publicId and svmName values for the source and destination.

Google Cloud

Perform the workflow Get Google Cloud working environments and choose the publicId and svmName values for the source and destination.

Step 2. Select the LIFs

Perform the workflow Get intercluster LIFs and choose the address value for the source and destination.

Step 3. Select the SnapMirror policy

Perform the workflow Get SnapMirror policies and choose the name value for the required schedule.

Step 4. Select the SnapMirror schedule

Perform the workflow Get schedules and choose the name value for the required policy.

Based on the cloud provider, you need to perform the corresponding workflow to retrieve the volume information.


Perform the workflow Get AWS volumes and choose the name and svmName and aggregateName values.


Perform the Azure workflow Get Azure volumes and choose the name and svmName and aggregateName values.

Google cloud

Perform the Google Cloud workflow Get Google Cloud volumes and choose the name and svmName and aggregateName values.

Step 6. Create a quote

Based on the cloud provider, you need to perform a workflow to create a volume quote.


Perform the workflow Create quote and choose the providerVolumeType and name values.


Perform the workflow Create quote and choose the providerVolumeType and name values.

Google cloud

Perform the workflow Create quote and choose the providerVolumeType and name values.

Step 7. Create the relationship

You can issue the REST API call to create the relationship.

HTTP method and endpoint

This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.

HTTP method Path



Curl example
curl --request POST \
--location "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--d @JSONinput
Additional input parameters

The JSON input example includes the minimum list of input parameters. The maxTransferRate is maximum transfer rate limit in KB/s. Specify 0 to indicate no limit or an integer between 1024 and 2,147,482,624.

JSON input example
  "replicationRequest": {
    "sourceWorkingEnvironmentId": "vsaworkingenvironment-sfrf3wvj",
    "destinationWorkingEnvironmentId": "vsaworkingenvironment-2qkd75xv",
    "sourceInterclusterLifIps": [
    "destinationInterclusterLifIps": [
    "policyName": "MirrorAllSnapshots",
    "scheduleName": "daily",
    "maxTransferRate": 102400
  "replicationVolume": {
    "sourceSvmName": "svm_zivgcp01we02",
    "sourceVolumeName": "zivagg01vol01",
    "destinationVolumeName": "zivagg01vol03_copy",
    "destinationAggregateName": "aggr1",
    "numOfDisksApprovedToAdd": 0,
    "advancedMode": false,
    "destinationProviderVolumeType": "pd-ssd",
    "destinationSvmName": "svm_zivgcp01we03"
