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Create a FlexGroup volume

Contributors netapp-ranuk

You can use this workflow to create an ONTAP FlexGroup volume.

  • FlexGroup volumes are not supported as a source for data replication from the BlueXP replication service.

  • FlexGroup volumes do not support iSCSI block protocol.

Step 1. Select the working environment

Perform the workflow Get working environments and choose the publicId and the svmName values for the workingEnvironmentId and the svmName input parameters.

Step 2. Select the aggregates and constituents

  • Select one or more aggregates as needed.
    Perform the workflow Get aggregates and choose the name values of the aggregates for the flexGroupVolumeInfoaggregateList input parameter.

  • Choose the desired value for the flexGroupVolumeInfonumberOfConstituents input parameter.
    As a general rule, the minimum or maximum size limit of a FlexGroup volume is based on the number of constituent members. The maximum member constituent count is 200; the minimum size of a constituent member volume is 100GB and the maximum member volume size is 100TB. For example, if you provide the value of the flexGroupVolumeInfonumberOfConstituents parameter as 10, the minimum volume size should be 100GB * 10 = 1TB and the maximum volume size should be 100TB * 10 = 1000TB.

  • If one or more aggregates do not exist and the aggregate names are not provided on the REST API call, the response will fail and the API call will be aborted.

  • The flexGroupVolumeInfonumberOfConstituents parameter in the API request signifies the total number constituents of a FlexGroup volume. This number must be distributed equally among the required aggregates in the flexGroupVolumeInfoaggregateList list, otherwise the API call will fail.

Step 3. Select the network

Choose the desired value for the exportPolicyInfo input parameter. You need to specify your internal network IP for the ips input parameter that can access a volume.

Step 4. Choose the size for the disk

Choose the size value for the size:size input parameter. The size:unit must be one of the following: TB, GB, MB, KB, or Byte.

Step 5. Create the volume

You can issue the REST API call to create a volume.

HTTP method and endpoint

This REST API call uses the following method and endpoint.

HTTP method Path



Curl example
curl --request POST \
--location "" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "x-agent-id: <AGENT_ID>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--d @JSONinput
Additional input parameters

The JSON input example includes the minimum list of parameters.

Parameter Type Required Description

<WORKING_ENV_ID> (workingEnvironmentId)



Identifies the number of fields you will retrieve

<SVM_NAME> (svmName)



Identifies the working environment ID

JSON input example
  "verifyNameUniqueness": true,
  "name": "fgvol3",
  "volumeTags": [],
  "size": {
    "size": "2",
    "unit": "TB"
  "enableCompression": true,
  "enableDeduplication": true,
  "flexGroupVolumeInfo": {
    "aggregateList": [
    "numberOfConstituents": 10
  "enableThinProvisioning": true,
  "svmName": "svm_cvogalinaonprem",
  "snapshotPolicyName": "default",
  "autoVsaCapacityManagementEnabled": true,
  "exportPolicyInfo": {
    "policyType": "custom",
    "rules": [
        "nfsVersion": [
        "ruleAccessControl": "readwrite",
        "ips": [
        "superUser": true,
        "index": 1
  "workingEnvironmentId": "OnPremWorkingEnvironment-xx"
JSON Output
