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Cloud Insights

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP data collector

Contributors netapp-alavoie

This data collector acquires inventory and performance data from Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP. This data collector will be made available incrementally throughout the Cloud Insights service regions. Contact your sales person if you do not see the Icon for this collector in your Cloud Insights Environment.

Note This Cloud Insights collector requires an ONTAP user with a Filesystem-Scoped role. Please review the AWS Roles and Rules documentation for available options. At this time AWS supports only one kind of user role with Filesystem Scope, which is fsxadmin. This is the appropriate role to be used for the Cloud Insights collector. The user should also have all three of these applications assigned to it: http, ontapi, ssh.


Cloud Insights acquires inventory and performance data from the FSx-NetApp data collector. For each asset type acquired, the most common terminology used for the asset is shown. When viewing or troubleshooting this data collector, keep the following terminology in mind:

Vendor/Model Term Cloud Insights Term






Internal Volume

FSx-NetApp Terminology

The following terms apply to objects or references that you might find on FSx-NetApp storage asset landing pages. Many of these terms apply to other data collectors as well.


  • Model – A comma-delimited list of the unique, discrete model names within this cluster.

  • Vendor – AWS

  • Serial number – The array serial number.

  • IP – generally will be the IP(s) or hostname(s) as configured in the data source.

  • Raw Capacity – base 2 summation of all the SSD storage assigned to the FSx filesystem.

  • Latency – a representation of what the host facing workloads are experiencing, across both reads and writes. Ideally, Cloud Insights is sourcing this value directly, but this is often not the case. In lieu of the array offering this up, Cloud Insights is generally performing an IOPs-weighted calculation derived from the individual internal volumes’ statistics.

  • Throughput – aggregated from internal volumes.
    Management – this may contain a hyperlink for the management interface of the device. Created programmatically by the Cloud Insights data source as part of inventory reporting.

Storage Pool

  • Storage – what storage array this pool lives on. Mandatory.

  • Type – a descriptive value from a list of an enumerated list of possibilities. Most commonly will be “Aggregate” or “RAID Group””.

  • Capacity – the values here are the logical used, usable capacity and the logical total capacity, and the percentage used across these.

  • IOPS – the sum IOPs of all the volumes allocated on this storage pool.

  • Throughput – the sum throughput of all the volumes allocated on this storage pool.


The following are requirements to configure and use this data collector:

  • You must have access to an account with the "fsxadmin" role, with three applications assigned to it - ssh, ontapi, http

  • Account details include username and password.

  • Port requirements: 443


Field Description

NetApp Management IP

IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the NetApp cluster

User Name

User name for NetApp cluster


Password for NetApp cluster

Advanced Metrics

This data collector collects the following advanced metrics from the FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage:

  • fpolicy

  • nfsv3

  • nfsv3:node

  • nfsv4

  • nfsv4_1

  • nfsv4_1:node

  • nfsv4:node

  • policy_group

  • qtree

  • volume

  • workload_volume

Note that FSx CLI and API commands retrieve some capacity values that Cloud Insights ZAPI doesn't collect, so certain capacity values (such as those for storage pools) may be different in Cloud Insights than they are on the FSx itself.


Some things to try if you encounter problems with this data collector:


Problem: Try this:

Receive 401 HTTP response or 13003 ZAPI error code and ZAPI returns “Insufficient privileges” or “not authorized for this command”

Check username and password, and user privileges/permissions.

ZAPI returns "cluster role is not cluster_mgmt LIF"

AU needs to talk to cluster management IP. Check the IP and change to a different IP if necessary

ZAPI command fails after retry

AU has communication problem with the cluster. Check network, port number, and IP address. User should also try to run a command from command line from the AU machine.

AU failed to connect to ZAPI via HTTP

Check whether ZAPI port accepts plaintext. If AU tries to send plaintext to an SSL socket, the communication fails.

Communication fails with SSLException

AU is attempting to send SSL to a plaintext port on a filer. Check whether the ZAPI port accepts SSL, or use a different port.

Additional Connection errors:

ZAPI response has error code 13001, “database is not open”

ZAPI error code is 60 and response contains “API did not finish on time”

ZAPI response contains “initialize_session() returned NULL environment”

ZAPI error code is 14007 and response contains “Node is not healthy”

Check network, port number, and IP address. User should also try to run a command from command line from the AU machine.

Additional information may be found from the Support page or in the Data Collector Support Matrix.