Retrieve a package
GET /accounts/{account_id}/core/v1/packages/{package_id}
Returns the stored Package API resource in the JSON response body.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
account_id |
string |
path |
True |
ID of the containing account resource
package_id |
string |
path |
True |
ID of the package collection to list |
Status: 200, Returns the stored Package API resource in the JSON response body.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
Media type of the resource. Defined values are:
version |
string |
True |
Version of the resource. Defined values are:
id |
string |
True |
Globally unique identifier of the resource. Defined values are:
packageName |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the package name. Defined values are:
packageVersion |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the SemVer of the package. Defined values are:
packageType |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the package type, indicating whether this is a full installation package or a patch. Defined values are:
bundleName |
array[string] |
False |
JSON array of JSON strings containing the name of the bundle that the package is contained in. |
severityLevel |
string |
True |
JSON string describing the severity level of this patch or installation. Defined values are:
packageState |
string |
True |
JSON string containing a value indicating the operational state of the package. After verification of the package and after import, the state will indicate "complete". Otherwise, the state will indicate "incomplete". Defined values are:
packageStateTransitions |
array[type_astra_stateTransition] |
True |
JSON array of JSON objects, each representing the set of permitted state transitions from a given defined state. Each JSON object contains the fields "from" and "to", where the "from" value is the name of a state and the "to" value is an array of permitted destination states. Defined values are:
packageStateDetails |
array[type_astra_stateDetail] |
True |
JSON array of JSON objects that lists additional details about the current "state". If no details are available, this array will be empty.
images |
array[images] |
False |
JSON array of JSON objects, each containing a Docker image that is part of the package. |
artifacts |
array[artifacts] |
False |
JSON array of JSON objects describing the additional artifacts (binaries and others) associated with this package. |
files |
array[files] |
False |
JSON array of JSON objects, each representing a non-image artifact associated with this package. |
upgradableVersions |
False |
JSON object containing the minimum and maximum versions that can be upgraded to the package version. |
dependencies |
array[dependencies] |
False |
JSON array of JSON objects describing what minimum version of a given dependency is required for this package to be installed |
metadata |
True |
Client and service-specified metadata associated with the resource. Defined values are:
Example response
Status: 401, Unauthorized
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
Example response
Status: 400, Bad request
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
invalidParams |
array[invalidParams] |
False |
List of invalid query parameters |
Example response
Status: 403, Forbidden
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
Example response
Status: 404, Not found
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
status |
string |
True |
correlationID |
string |
False |
Example error response
See Definitions
Name | Type | Required | Description |
from |
string |
True |
to |
array[string] |
True |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type |
string |
True |
title |
string |
True |
detail |
string |
True |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
imagePath |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the path to this Docker image. It must not contain the name of the registry, only the absolute path from root to image. Example: /globalcicd/acc Defined values are:
imageName |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the Docker image name. Defined values are:
imageTag |
string |
True |
JSON string representing the tag/version of this image. Defined values are:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
imageName |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the Docker image name. Defined values are:
imagePath |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the path to this Docker image. It must not contain the name of the registry, only the absolute path from root to image. Example: /globalcicd/acc Defined values are:
imageTag |
string |
True |
JSON string representing the tag/version of this image. Defined values are:
imageDigest |
string |
True |
JSON string representing the digest of this image. Defined values are:
dependsOnImages |
array[dependsOnImages] |
False |
JSON array of JSON objects describing the images required to install or upgrade the current image. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
componentName |
string |
True |
JSON string describing the name of the component. Defined values are:
versions |
array[string] |
True |
JSON array of JSON strings defining the component version required to install the current image. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
artifactName |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the file name. Defined values are:
artifactIdentifier |
string |
True |
JSON string containing an identifier for this file. Between versions of the same package type, the file name might change but the identifier usually stays the same. Defined values are:
artifactPath |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the path to this artifact from the root of a known Astra Control Center Data Store/location. Example: /vmware/1.0/ Defined values are:
artifactVersion |
string |
False |
JSON string containing the version of that artifact, if provided. Defined values are:
dependsOnComponents |
array[dependsOnComponents] |
False |
JSON array of JSON objects describing the installed components required to install/upgrade the current image. |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
fileName |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the file name. Defined values are:
fileIdentifier |
string |
True |
JSON string containing an identifier of this file. Between versions of the same package type, the file name might change but the identifier usually stays the same. Defined values are:
fileMediaType |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the file media-type. Defined values are any media type defined by IANA. In addition, application/x-yaml or application/x-yaml for yaml files is supported.
fileContents |
string |
True |
JSON string containing the file content. Defined values are:
JSON object containing the minimum and maximum versions that can be upgraded to the package version.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
minVersion |
string |
False |
JSON string describing the minimum version that can be upgraded to the package version. Defined values are:
maxVersion |
string |
False |
JSON string describing the maximum version that can be upgraded to the package version. Defined values are:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
componentName |
string |
True |
JSON string describing the name of the component. Defined values are:
componentMinVersion |
string |
False |
JSON string describing the minimum version required of that component. Defined values are:
componentMaxVersion |
string |
False |
JSON string describing the maximum version required of that component. Defined values are:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name |
string |
True |
value |
string |
True |
Client and service-specified metadata associated with the resource. Defined values are:
Conforms to the Astra Metadata Schema If not specified on create, a metadata object will be created with no labels.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
labels |
array[type_astra_label] |
True |
creationTimestamp |
string |
True |
modificationTimestamp |
string |
True |
createdBy |
string |
True |
modifiedBy |
string |
False |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name |
string |
True |
Name of the invalid query parameter |
reason |
string |
True |
Reason why the query parameter is invalid |