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Snapdrive for Unix



作爲Volume Restore預覽報告的一部分、適用於UNIX會顯示LUN對應資訊。SnapDrive此顯示資訊與檢查相關、且會還原一般檔案。在特定磁碟區上找出所有以LUN為基礎的主機檔案、是一項耗時的程序、會拖慢磁碟區還原程序。

如果您想知道對應至特定儲存系統Volume之本機主機的主機檔案資訊、可以使用「SnapDrive 支援儲存設備show -filervol <Full-volume名稱>」。以下為此範例。

#snapdrive storage show -filervol bart:/vol/volusecase2

Connected LUNs and devices:

 device filename        adapter path    size    proto   state   clone   lun path           backing snapshot
----------------        ------- ----    ----    -----   -----   -----   --------                        ----------------
/dev/sdg                  -     P       100m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase2/lun5          -

Host devices and file systems:

dg: vbsrfs_1_SdDg               dgtype lvm
hostvol: /dev/mapper/vbsrfs_1_SdDg-vbsrfs_1_SdHv        state: AVAIL
fs: /dev/mapper/vbsrfs_1_SdDg-vbsrfs_1_SdHv     mount point: /mnt/vbsrfs_1 (persistent) fstype ufs

 device filename     adapter path    size    proto   state   clone   lun path           backing snapshot
----------------        ------- ----    ----    -----   -----   -----   --------                        ----------------
/dev/sdbe                 -     P       100m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase1/lun9_0        -
/dev/sdbf                 -     P       100m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase2/lun4_0        -

raw device: /dev/sdbr1  mount point: /mnt/fs11 (persistent) fstype ufs

 device filename     adapter path    size    proto   state   clone   lun path           backing snapshot
----------------        ------- ----    ----    -----   -----   -----   --------                        ----------------
/dev/sdbr                 -     P       200m    iscsi   online   No     bart:/vol/volusecase2/fs11_SdLun    -

NFS device: bart:/vol/volusecase1        mount point: /mnt/volusecase1 (non-persistent)

LUNs not connected to this host:

 lun path                                           size   state
 -----------------------------               ------ ------
 bart:/vol/volusecase2/lunotherhost 20m   online