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FLI online: Preparing the LUN path

Contributors netapp-cgoff

To prepare for FLI online migration, you verify the host and source LUN paths and other details.

  1. In ONTAP, change the privilege level to advanced.

    cluster::> set adv
    Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
  2. Verify that the source array can be seen on the destination controller.

            cluster::*> storage array show
    Prefix                         Name   Vendor            Model Options
    -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------- ----------
    DGC-1                      DGC_LUNZ_1      DGC             LUNZ
    1 entries were displayed.
  3. Display source LUN details.

    cluster::*> storage array config show -array-name DGC_LUNZ_1 -instance
               Controller Name: ontaptme-fc-cluster-01
                     LUN Group: 0
            Array Target Ports: 500601643ea067da
                     Initiator: 0c
                    Array Name: DGC_LUNZ_1
       Target Side Switch Port: stme-5010-3:2-1
    Initiator Side Switch Port: stme-5010-3:2-3
          Number of array LUNs: 1
               Controller Name: ontaptme-fc-cluster-01
                     LUN Group: 0
            Array Target Ports: 500601653ea067da
                     Initiator: 0d
                    Array Name: DGC_LUNZ_1
       Target Side Switch Port: stme-5010-4:2-1
    Initiator Side Switch Port: stme-5010-4:2-3
          Number of array LUNs: 1
    ~~~~~~~~~~~ output truncated for readability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    8 entries were displayed.
  4. Verify the source array is discovered through all the initiator ports.

    cluster::*> storage array config show -array-name DGC_LUNZ_1
                 LUN   LUN
    Node         Group Count                   Array Name       Array Target Port Initiator
    ------------ ----- ----- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ---------
                     0     1                   DGC_LUNZ_1        500601643ea067da        0c
                                                                 500601653ea067da        0d
                                                                 5006016c3ea067da        0c
                                                                 5006016d3ea067da        0d
                     0     1                   DGC_LUNZ_1        500601643ea067da        0c
                                                                 500601653ea067da        0d
                                                                 5006016c3ea067da        0c
                                                                 5006016d3ea067da        0d
    8 entries were displayed.

    The word wrapping in the following output has no significance.

  5. List the LUNs mapped from the source storage. Verify the disk properties and paths.

    cluster::*> storage disk show -array-name DGC_LUNZ_1 -instance
                      Disk: DGC-1.9
            Container Type: unassigned
                Owner/Home: -  / -
                   DR Home: -
        Stack ID/Shelf/Bay: -  / -  / -
                       LUN: 0
                     Array: DGC_LUNZ_1
                    Vendor: DGC
                     Model: VRAID
             Serial Number: 600601603F103100662E70861000E511
                       UID: 60060160:3F103100:662E7086:1000E511:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000
                       BPS: 512
             Physical Size: -
                  Position: present
    Checksum Compatibility: block
                 Aggregate: -
                      Plex: -
                                   LUN  Initiator Side        Target Side                                                        Link
    Controller         Initiator     ID  Switch Port           Switch Port           Acc Use  Target Port                TPGN    Speed      I/O KB/s          IOPS
    ------------------ ---------  -----  --------------------  --------------------  --- ---  -----------------------  ------  -------  ------------  ------------
                       0c             0  stme-5010-3:2-4       stme-5010-3:2-2       AO  INU  5006016c3ea067da              2   4 Gb/S             0             0
                       0d             0  stme-5010-4:2-4       stme-5010-4:2-2       AO  INU  5006016d3ea067da              2   4 Gb/S             0             0
                       0d             0  stme-5010-4:2-4       stme-5010-4:2-1       ANO RDY  500601653ea067da              1   4 Gb/S             0             0
  6. View the source LUN.

    cluster::*> storage disk show -array-name DGC_LUNZ_1
                         Usable           Disk    Container   Container
    Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
    ---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
    DGC-1.9                   -     -   - LUN     unassigned  -         -
  7. Mark the source LUN as foreign.

    cluster::*> storage disk set-foreign-lun -is-foreign true -disk DGC-1.9
  8. Verify the source LUN is marked as foreign.

    cluster::*> storage disk show -array-name DGC_LUNZ_1
                         Usable           Disk    Container   Container
    Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
    ---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
  9. Serial numbers are used in FLI LUN import commands. List all foreign LUNs and their serial numbers.

    cluster::*> storage disk show -container-type foreign -fields serial-number
    disk    serial-number
    ------- --------------------------------
    DGC-1.9 600601603F103100662E70861000E511
  10. Create a destination volume.

    cluster::*> vol create -vserver fli -volume fli_vol -aggregate aggr1 -size 2t
    [Job 13888] Job succeeded: Successful
  11. Verify volume.

    cluster::*> vol show -vserver fli
    Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
    --------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
    fli       fli_root     aggr1        online     RW          1GB    972.6MB    5%
    fli       fli_vol      aggr1        online     RW          2TB     1.90TB    5%
    2 entries were displayed.
  12. Set fraction_reserveoption for each volume to 0 and set the Snapshot policy to none.

    cluster::*> vol modify -vserver datamig -volume * -fractional-reserve 0 –snapshot-policy none
    Volume modify successful on volume winvol of Vserver datamig.
  13. Check your volume settings.

    cluster::*> vol show -vserver datamig -volume * -fields fractional-reserve,snapshot-policy
    Volume modify successful on volume winvol of Vserver datamig.
  14. Delete any existing Snapshot copies.

    cluster::*> set advanced; snap delete –vserver datamig –vol winvol –snapshot * -force true
    1 entry was acted on.

    FLI migration modifies every block of the target LUNs. If default or other Snapshot copies exist on a volume prior to FLI migration, the volume gets filled up. Changing the policy and removing any existing Snapshot copies before FLI migration is required. Snapshot policy can be set again post-migration.


    The LUN create command detects the size and alignment based on partition offset and creates the LUN accordingly with foreign-disk option. For a review of I/O misalignment, review NetApp Knowledgebase article What is an unaligned I/O? Also note that some I/O will always appear to be partial writes and will therefore look misaligned. Examples of this would be database logs.

  15. Create the target LUN. The LUN create command detects the size and alignment based on partition offset and creates the LUN accordingly with the foreign-disk argument.

    cluster::*> lun create -vserver fli -path /vol/fli_vol/OnlineFLI_LUN -ostype windows_2008 -foreign-disk 600601603F103100662E70861000E511
    Created a LUN of size 1t (1099511627776)
  16. Verify new LUN.

    cluster::*> lun show -vserver fli
    Vserver   Path                            State   Mapped   Type        Size
    --------- ------------------------------- ------- -------- -------- --------
    fli       /vol/fli_vol/OnlineFLI_LUN      online  unmapped windows_2008  1TB
  17. Create an igroup of protocol FCP with host initiators.

    cluster::*> igroup create -vserver fli -igroup FLI -protocol fcp -ostype windows -initiator 10:00:00:00:c9:e6:e2:79
  18. Verify that the host logs in on all paths to the new igroup.

    cluster::*> igroup show –vserver fli –igroup FLI
       Vserver name: fli
        Igroup name: FLI
           Protocol: fcp
         OS Type: Windows
    Portset Binding Igroup: -
       Igroup UUID: 5c664f48-0017-11e5-877f-00a0981cc318
              ALUA: true
        Initiators: 10:00:00:00:c9:e6:e2:77 (logged in)
    10:00:00:00:c9:e6:e2:79 (logged in)
  19. Offline the destination LUN.

    cluster::*> lun offline -vserver fli -path /vol/fli_vol/OnlineFLI_LUN
    Warning: This command will take LUN "/vol/fli_vol/OnlineFLI_LUN" in Vserver "fli" offline.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
  20. Map the destination LUN to the igroup.

    cluster::*> lun map -vserver fli -path /vol/fli_vol/OnlineFLI_LUN -igroup FLI
  21. Create import relationship between new LUN and foreign LUN.

    cluster::*> lun import create -vserver fli -path /vol/fli_vol/OnlineFLI_LUN -foreign-disk 600601603F103100662E70861000E511