Google Cloud permissions for the Connector
BlueXP requires permissions to perform actions in Google Cloud. These permissions are included in a custom role provided by NetApp. You might want to understand what BlueXP does with these permissions.
Service account permissions
The custom role shown below provides the permissions that a Connector needs to manage resources and processes within your Google Cloud network.
You'll need to apply this custom role to a service account that gets attached to the Connector VM.
You also need to ensure that the role is up to date as new permissions are added in subsequent releases. If new permissions are required, they will be listed in the release notes.
How Google Cloud permissions are used
Actions | Purpose |
- compute.disks.create |
To create and manage disks for Cloud Volumes ONTAP. |
- compute.firewalls.create |
To create firewall rules for Cloud Volumes ONTAP. |
- compute.globalOperations.get |
To get the status of operations. |
- compute.images.get |
To get images for VM instances. |
- compute.instances.attachDisk |
To attach and detach disks to Cloud Volumes ONTAP. |
- compute.instances.create |
To create and delete Cloud Volumes ONTAP VM instances. |
- compute.instances.get |
To list VM instances. |
- compute.instances.getSerialPortOutput |
To get console logs. |
- compute.instances.list |
To retrieve the list of instances in a zone. |
- compute.instances.setDeletionProtection |
To set deletion protection on the instance. |
- compute.instances.setLabels |
To add labels. |
- compute.instances.setMachineType |
To change the machine type for Cloud Volumes ONTAP. |
- compute.instances.setMetadata |
To add metadata. |
- compute.instances.setTags |
To add tags for firewall rules. |
- compute.instances.start |
To start and stop Cloud Volumes ONTAP. |
- compute.machineTypes.get |
To get the numbers of cores to check qoutas. |
- compute.projects.get |
To support multi-projects. |
- compute.snapshots.create |
To create and manage persistent disk snapshots. |
- compute.networks.get |
To get the networking information needed to create a new Cloud Volumes ONTAP virtual machine instance. |
- deploymentmanager.compositeTypes.get |
To deploy the Cloud Volumes ONTAP virtual machine instance using Google Cloud Deployment Manager. |
- logging.logEntries.list |
To get stack log drives. |
- resourcemanager.projects.get |
To support multi-projects. |
- storage.buckets.create |
To create and manage a Google Cloud Storage bucket for data tiering. |
- cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToEncrypt |
To use customer-managed encryption keys from the Cloud Key Management Service with Cloud Volumes ONTAP. |
- compute.instances.setServiceAccount |
To set a service account on the Cloud Volumes ONTAP instance. This service account provides permissions for data tiering to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. |
- compute.addresses.list |
To retrieve the addresses in a region when deploying an HA pair. |
- compute.backendServices.create |
To configure a backend service for distributing traffic in an HA pair. |
- compute.networks.updatePolicy |
To apply firewall rules on the VPCs and subnets for an HA pair. |
- compute.subnetworks.use |
To enable BlueXP classification. |
- compute.instanceGroups.get |
To create and manage storage VMs on Cloud Volumes ONTAP HA pairs. |
- monitoring.timeSeries.list |
To discover information about Google Cloud Storage buckets. |
- cloudkms.cryptoKeys.get |
To select your own customer-managed keys in the BlueXP backup and recovery activation wizard instead of using the default Google-managed encryption keys. |
Change log
As permissions are added and removed, we'll note them in the sections below.
6 February, 2023
The following permission was added to this policy:
This permission is required for Cloud Volumes ONTAP.
27 January, 2023
The following permissions were added to the policy:
These permissions are required for BlueXP backup and recovery.