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OnCommand Workflow Automation 5.1

Restore (regular) the WFA database using REST APIs


You can do a regular restore of the OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) database by using REST APIs. In a regular restore, you can only restore the WFA database.

  • You must have created a .zip backup of the WFA database.

  • You must have admin or architect credentials.

  • If you are restoring the database as a part of the migration procedure, you must do a full restore.

  1. Enter the following URL in the REST client browser: https://IP address of WFA server/rest/backups

  2. In the Backup window, select the POST method.

  3. In the Part drop-down list, select Multipart Body.

  4. In the File field, enter the following information:

    1. In the Content type drop-down list, select multi-part/form-data.

    2. In the Charset drop-down list, select ISO-8859-1.

    3. In the File namefield, enter the name of the backup file as backupFile.

    4. Click Browse.

    5. Select the location of the .zip backup file.

  5. Navigate to the /opt/netapp/wfa/bin directory, and restart the WFA services.

  6. Verify that the restore operation is successful and WFA is accessible.