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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Port requirements for communicating with the 7-Mode Transition Tool

Contributors netapp-barbe

The 7-Mode Transition Tool communicates with the 7-Mode system and the cluster over certain ports. You must ensure that these ports on the 7-Mode system and the cluster are open to allow communication with the 7-Mode Transition Tool.

Ports that must be open on the 7-Mode systems

The 7-Mode Transition Tool communicates with the 7-Mode systems by using HTTPS on port 443.

Ports that must be open on the cluster

The 7-Mode Transition Tool communicates with the cluster by using HTTPS on port 443.

Ports that must be open on the 7-Mode Transition Tool

Port 8444 of the 7-Mode Transition Tool must be open for the web interface.

To transition netgroups and CIFS local users and groups, the following requirements must be met:

  • Port 8088 of the 7-Mode Transition Tool must be available.

    For an alternative to port 8088, you must change the port specified by the tool.http.port parameter in the transition-tool.conf file of the 7-Mode Transition Tool installation directory.

    Note You must restart the 7-Mode Transition Tool service after changing the port in the configuration file.
  • Each node in the cluster must have at least one data LIF configured for the target SVM.

  • All SVM data LIFs must be able to communicate with the 7-Mode Transition Tool port 8088 or the port specified by the tool.http.port parameter in the transition-tool.conf file.

    Note You must verify that firewalls do not block this traffic.

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