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ONTAP 7-Mode Transition

Preparing for cutover phase when transitioning Solaris host data LUNs with ZFS file systems


If you are transitioning a Solaris host data LUN with ZFS file system from Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode to clustered Data ONTAP, you must perform certain steps before entering the cutover phase.

If you are using an FC configuration, fabric connectivity and zoning to the clustered Data ONTAP nodes must be established.

If you are using an iSCSI configuration, the iSCSI sessions to the clustered Data ONTAP nodes must be discovered and logged in.

For copy-based transitions, perform these steps before initiating the Storage Cutover operation in the 7-Mode Transition Tool (7MTT).

For copy-free transitions, perform these steps before initiating the Export & Halt 7-Mode operation in 7MTT.

  1. Stop I/O on all mount points.

  2. Shut down each application accessing the LUNs according to the recommendations of the application vendor.

  3. Export the zpool:

    zpool export pool-name

    # zpool export n_pool
  4. Verify that the zpools are exported:

    • Should list the zpool that is exported: + zpool import

    • Should not list the zpool that is exported: + zpool list

    # zpool export n_pool
    # zpool list
    no pools available
    # zpool import
      pool: n_pool
        id: 5049703405981005579
     state: ONLINE
    action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.
            n_pool                                   ONLINE
              c0t60A98000383035356C2447384D396550d0  ONLINE
              c0t60A98000383035356C2447384D39654Ed0  ONLINE