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GetNodeHardwareInfo (sortie pour nœuds Fibre Channel)
Le GetNodeHardwareInfo
Méthode pour les nœuds Fibre Channel renvoie une réponse similaire à l'exemple suivant.
{ "id": null, "result": { "nodeHardwareInfo": { "bus": { "core_DMI:0200": { "description": "Motherboard", "physid": "0", "product": "0H47HH", "serial": "..CN747513AA0541.", "version": "A07" }, "fiber:0_PCI:0000:04:00.0": { "businfo": "pci@0000:04:00.0", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Fibre Channel", "physid": "0", "product": "ISP8324-based 16Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express Adapter", "vendor": "QLogic Corp.", "version": "02", "width": "64" }, "fiber:0_PCI:0000:42:00.0": { "businfo": "pci@0000:42:00.0", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Fibre Channel", "physid": "0", "product": "ISP8324-based 16Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express Adapter", "vendor": "QLogic Corp.", "version": "02", "width": "64" }, "fiber:1_PCI:0000:04:00.1": { "businfo": "pci@0000:04:00.1", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Fibre Channel", "physid": "0.1", "product": "ISP8324-based 16Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express Adapter", "vendor": "QLogic Corp.", "version": "02", "width": "64" }, "fiber:1_PCI:0000:42:00.1": { "businfo": "pci@0000:42:00.1", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Fibre Channel", "physid": "0.1", "product": "ISP8324-based 16Gb Fibre Channel to PCI Express Adapter", "vendor": "QLogic Corp.", "version": "02", "width": "64" } }, "fans": { "Fan1A RPM": { "baseUnit": "RPM", "threshold": 840, "value": 3360 }, "Fan1B RPM": { "baseUnit": "RPM", "threshold": 840, "value": 3120 } }, "fibreChannelPorts": [ { "firmware": "7.04.00 (d0d5)", "hbaPort": 1, "internalPortID": 2, "model": "QLE2672", "nPortID": "0x060019", "nodeID": 6, "pciSlot": 3, "serial": "BFE1335E04217", "speed": "8 Gbit", "state": "Online", "switchWwn": "20:01:00:2a:6a:9c:71:01", "wwnn": "5f:47:ac:c8:30:26:c9:00", "wwpn": "5f:47:ac:c0:30:26:c9:0a" }, { "firmware": "7.04.00 (d0d5)", "hbaPort": 2, "internalPortID": 3, "model": "QLE2672", "nPortID": "0xc70019", "nodeID": 6, "pciSlot": 3, "serial": "BFE1335E04217", "speed": "8 Gbit", "state": "Online", "switchWwn": "20:01:00:2a:6a:98:a3:41", "wwnn": "5f:47:ac:c8:30:26:c9:00", "wwpn": "5f:47:ac:c0:30:26:c9:0b" }, { "firmware": "7.04.00 (d0d5)", "hbaPort": 1, "internalPortID": 0, "model": "QLE2672", "nPortID": "0xc70017", "nodeID": 6, "pciSlot": 2, "serial": "BFE1341E09515", "speed": "8 Gbit", "state": "Online", "switchWwn": "20:01:00:2a:6a:98:a3:41", "wwnn": "5f:47:ac:c8:30:26:c9:00", "wwpn": "5f:47:ac:c0:30:26:c9:08" }, { "firmware": "7.04.00 (d0d5)", "hbaPort": 2, "internalPortID": 1, "model": "QLE2672", "nPortID": "0x060017", "nodeID": 6, "pciSlot": 2, "serial": "BFE1341E09515", "speed": "8 Gbit", "state": "Online", "switchWwn": "20:01:00:2a:6a:9c:71:01", "wwnn": "5f:47:ac:c8:30:26:c9:00", "wwpn": "5f:47:ac:c0:30:26:c9:09" } ], "memory": { "firmware_": { "capacity": "8323072", "date": "08/29/2013", "description": "BIOS", "physid": "0", "size": "65536", "version": "2.0.19" }, "memory_DMI:1000": { "description": "System Memory", "physid": "1000", "size": "34359738368", "slot": "System board or motherboard" } }, "network": { "network:0_": { "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "Bond1G", "physid": "1", "serial": "c8:1f:66:df:04:da" }, "network:0_PCI:0000:01:00.0": { "businfo": "pci@0000:01:00.0", "capacity": "1000000000", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "eth0", "physid": "0", "product": "NetXtreme II BCM57800 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet", "serial": "c8:1f:66:df:04:d6", "vendor": "Broadcom Corporation", "version": "10", "width": "64" }, "network:0_PCI:0000:41:00.0": { "businfo": "pci@0000:41:00.0", "capacity": "1000000000", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "eth4", "physid": "0", "product": "NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet", "serial": "00:0a:f7:41:7a:30", "vendor": "Broadcom Corporation", "version": "10", "width": "64" }, "network:1_": { "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "Bond10G", "physid": "2", "serial": "c8:1f:66:df:04:d6" }, "network:1_PCI:0000:01:00.1": { "businfo": "pci@0000:01:00.1", "capacity": "1000000000", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "eth1", "physid": "0.1", "product": "NetXtreme II BCM57800 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet", "serial": "c8:1f:66:df:04:d8", "vendor": "Broadcom Corporation", "version": "10", "width": "64" }, "network:1_PCI:0000:41:00.1": { "businfo": "pci@0000:41:00.1", "capacity": "1000000000", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "eth5", "physid": "0.1", "product": "NetXtreme II BCM57810 10 Gigabit Ethernet", "serial": "00:0a:f7:41:7a:32", "vendor": "Broadcom Corporation", "version": "10", "width": "64" }, "network:2_PCI:0000:01:00.2": { "businfo": "pci@0000:01:00.2", "capacity": "1000000000", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "eth2", "physid": "0.2", "product": "NetXtreme II BCM57800 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet", "serial": "c8:1f:66:df:04:da", "size": "1000000000", "vendor": "Broadcom Corporation", "version": "10", "width": "64" }, "network:3_PCI:0000:01:00.3": { "businfo": "pci@0000:01:00.3", "capacity": "1000000000", "clock": "33000000", "description": "Ethernet interface", "logicalname": "eth3", "physid": "0.3", "product": "NetXtreme II BCM57800 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet", "serial": "c8:1f:66:df:04:dc", "size": "1000000000", "vendor": "Broadcom Corporation", "version": "10", "width": "64" } }, "networkInterfaces": { "Bond10G": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "Bond1G": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "eth0": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "eth1": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "eth2": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "eth3": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "eth4": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true }, "eth5": { "isConfigured": true, "isUp": true } }, "platform": { "chassisType": "R620", "cpuModel": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 0 @ 2.50GHz", "nodeMemoryGB": 32, "nodeType": "SFFC" }, "powerSupplies": { "PS1 status": { "powerSupplyFailureDetected": false, "powerSupplyHasAC": true, "powerSupplyPredictiveFailureDetected": false, "powerSupplyPresent": true }, "PS2 status": { "powerSupplyFailureDetected": false, "powerSupplyHasAC": true, "powerSupplyPredictiveFailureDetected": false, "powerSupplyPresent": true } }, "storage": { "storage_PCI:0000:00:1f.2": { "businfo": "pci@0000:00:1f.2", "clock": "66000000", "description": "SATA controller", "physid": "1f.2", "product": "C600/X79 series chipset 6-Port SATA AHCI Controller", "vendor": "Intel Corporation", "version": "05", "width": "32" } }, "system": { "fcn-2_DMI:0100": { "description": "Rack Mount Chassis", "product": "(SKU=NotProvided;ModelName=)", "serial": "HTX1DZ1", "width": "64" } }, "temperatures": { "Exhaust Temp": { "baseUnit": "C", "threshold": 70, "value": 38 }, "Inlet Temp": { "baseUnit": "C", "threshold": 42, "value": 13 }, "uuid": "4C4C4544-004D-5310-8052-C4C04F335431" } } } } }