Deploy BlueXP classification in the cloud using BlueXP
Complete a few steps to deploy BlueXP classification in the cloud. BlueXP will deploy the BlueXP classification instance in the same cloud provider network as the BlueXP Connector.
Note that you can also install BlueXP classification on a Linux host that has internet access. This type of installation may be a good option if you prefer to scan on-premises ONTAP systems using a BlueXP classification instance that's also located on premises — but this is not a requirement. The software functions exactly the same way regardless of which installation method you choose.
Quick start
Get started quickly by following these steps, or scroll down to the remaining sections for full details.

If you don't already have a Connector, create a Connector now. See creating a Connector in AWS, creating a Connector in Azure, or creating a Connector in GCP.
You can also install the Connector on-premises on a Linux host in your network or on a Linux host in the cloud.

Ensure that your environment can meet the prerequisites. This includes outbound internet access for the instance, connectivity between the Connector and BlueXP classification over port 443, and more. See the complete list.

Launch the installation wizard to deploy the BlueXP classification instance in the cloud.
Create a Connector
If you don't already have a Connector, create a Connector in your cloud provider. See creating a Connector in AWS or creating a Connector in Azure, or creating a Connector in GCP. In most cases you will probably have a Connector set up before you attempt to activate BlueXP classification because most BlueXP features require a Connector, but there are cases where you'll you need to set one up now.
There are some scenarios where you have to use a Connector that's deployed in a specific cloud provider:
When scanning data in Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS or Amazon FSx for ONTAP buckets, you use a Connector in AWS.
When scanning data in Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure or in Azure NetApp Files, you use a Connector in Azure.
For Azure NetApp Files, it must be deployed in the same region as the volumes you wish to scan.
When scanning data in Cloud Volumes ONTAP in GCP, you use a Connector in GCP.
On-prem ONTAP systems, NetApp file shares, and databases can be scanned when using any of these cloud Connectors.
Note that you can also install the Connector on-premises on a Linux host in your network or in the cloud. Some users planning to install BlueXP classification on-prem may also choose to install the Connector on-prem.
As you can see, there may be some situations where you need to use multiple Connectors.
Government region support
BlueXP classification is supported when the Connector is deployed in a Government region (AWS GovCloud, Azure Gov, or Azure DoD). When deployed in this manner, BlueXP classification has the following restrictions:
Review prerequisites
Review the following prerequisites to make sure that you have a supported configuration before you deploy BlueXP classification in the cloud. When you deploy BlueXP classification in the cloud, it's located in the same subnet as the Connector.
- Enable outbound internet access from BlueXP classification
BlueXP classification requires outbound internet access. If your virtual or physical network uses a proxy server for internet access, ensure that the BlueXP classification instance has outbound internet access to contact the following endpoints. The proxy must be non-transparent - we don't currently support transparent proxies.
Review the appropriate table below depending on whether you are deploying BlueXP classification in AWS, Azure, or GCP.
Endpoints | Purpose |
---|---| |
Communication with the BlueXP service, which includes NetApp accounts. | |
Communication with the BlueXP website for centralized user authentication. | |
Provides access to software images, manifests, and templates. | |
Enables NetApp to stream data from audit records. | |
Enables BlueXP classification to access and download manifests and templates, and to send logs and metrics. |
- Ensure that BlueXP has the required permissions
Ensure that BlueXP has permissions to deploy resources and create security groups for the BlueXP classification instance. You can find the latest BlueXP permissions in the policies provided by NetApp.
- Ensure that the BlueXP Connector can access BlueXP classification
Ensure connectivity between the Connector and the BlueXP classification instance. The security group for the Connector must allow inbound and outbound traffic over port 443 to and from the BlueXP classification instance. This connection enables deployment of the BlueXP classification instance and enables you to view information in the Compliance and Governance tabs. BlueXP classification is supported in Government regions in AWS and Azure.
Additional inbound and outbound security group rules are required for AWS and AWS GovCloud deployments. See Rules for the Connector in AWS for details.
Additional inbound and outbound security group rules are required for Azure and Azure Government deployments. See Rules for the Connector in Azure for details.
- Ensure that you can keep BlueXP classification running
The BlueXP classification instance needs to stay on to continuously scan your data.
- Ensure web browser connectivity to BlueXP classification
After BlueXP classification is enabled, ensure that users access the BlueXP interface from a host that has a connection to the BlueXP classification instance.
The BlueXP classification instance uses a private IP address to ensure that the indexed data isn't accessible to the internet. As a result, the web browser that you use to access BlueXP must have a connection to that private IP address. That connection can come from a direct connection to your cloud provider (for example, a VPN), or from a host that's inside the same network as the BlueXP classification instance.
- Check your vCPU limits
Ensure that your cloud provider's vCPU limit allows for the deployment of an instance with the necessary number of cores. You'll need to verify the vCPU limit for the relevant instance family in the region where BlueXP is running. See the required instance types.
See the following links for more details on vCPU limits:
Deploy BlueXP classification in the cloud
Follow these steps to deploy an instance of BlueXP classification in the cloud. The Connector will deploy the instance in the cloud, and then install BlueXP classification software on that instance.
In regions where the default instance type isn't available, BlueXP classification runs on an alternate instance type.
From the BlueXP left navigation menu, click Governance > Classification.
Click Activate Data Sense.
From the Installation page, click Deploy > Deploy to use the "Large" instance size and start the cloud deployment wizard.
The wizard displays progress as it goes through the deployment steps. It will stop and prompt for input if it runs into any issues.
When the instance is deployed and BlueXP classification is installed, click Continue to configuration to go to the Configuration page.
BlueXP deploys the BlueXP classification instance in your cloud provider.
Upgrades to the BlueXP Connector and BlueXP classification software is automated as long as the instances have internet connectivity.
From the Configuration page you can select the data sources that you want to scan.