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BlueXP classification

Install BlueXP classification on a host that has internet access

Contributors netapp-tonacki amgrissino netapp-bcammett

Complete a few steps to install BlueXP classification on a Linux host in your network, or on a Linux host in the cloud, that has internet access. You'll need to deploy the Linux host manually in your network or in the cloud as part of this installation.

The on-prem installation may be a good option if you prefer to scan on-premises ONTAP systems using a BlueXP classification instance that's also located on premises — but this is not a requirement. The software functions exactly the same way regardless of which installation method you choose.

The BlueXP classification installation script starts by checking if the system and environment meet the required prerequisites. If the prerequisites are all met, then the installation starts. If you would like to verify the prerequisites independently of running the BlueXP classification installation, there is a separate software package you can download that only tests for the prerequisites. See how to check if your Linux host is ready to install BlueXP classification.

The typical installation on a Linux host in your premises has the following components and connections.

A diagram of the required BlueXP and network components

The typical installation on a Linux host in the cloud has the following components and connections.

A diagram of the required BlueXP and network components

For very large configurations where you'll be scanning petabytes of data, on versions 1.30 and earlier, you can include multiple hosts to provide additional processing power. When using multiple host systems, the primary system is called the Manager node, and the additional systems that provide extra processing power are called Scanner nodes.

Note For legacy versions 1.30 and earlier, if you need to install BlueXP classification on multiple hosts, refer to Install BlueXP classification on multiple hosts with no internet access.
Note For legacy versions 1.30 and earlier, to add scanner nodes, refer to Add scanner nodes to an existing deployment.

Quick start

Get started quickly by following these steps, or scroll down to the remaining sections for full details.

One Create a Connector

If you don't already have a Connector, deploy the Connector on-premises on a Linux host in your network, or on a Linux host in the cloud.

You can also create a Connector with your cloud provider. See creating a Connector in AWS, creating a Connector in Azure, or creating a Connector in GCP.

Two Review prerequisites

Ensure that your environment can meet the prerequisites. This includes outbound internet access for the instance, connectivity between the Connector and BlueXP classification over port 443, and more. See the complete list.

You also need a Linux system that meets the following requirements.

Three Download and deploy BlueXP classification

Download the Cloud BlueXP classification software from the NetApp Support Site and copy the installer file to the Linux host you plan to use. Then launch the installation wizard and follow the prompts to deploy the BlueXP classification instance.

Create a Connector

A BlueXP Connector is required before you can install and use BlueXP classification. In most cases you'll probably have a Connector set up before you attempt to activate BlueXP classification because most BlueXP features require a Connector, but there are cases where you'll you need to set one up now.

To create one in your cloud provider environment, see creating a Connector in AWS, creating a Connector in Azure, or creating a Connector in GCP.

There are some scenarios where you have to use a Connector that's deployed in a specific cloud provider:

  • When scanning data in Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS or Amazon FSx for ONTAP, you use a Connector in AWS.

  • When scanning data in Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure or in Azure NetApp Files, you use a Connector in Azure.

    For Azure NetApp Files, it must be deployed in the same region as the volumes you wish to scan.

  • When scanning data in Cloud Volumes ONTAP in GCP, you use a Connector in GCP.

On-prem ONTAP systems, NetApp file shares and database accounts can be scanned using any of these cloud Connectors.

Note that you can also deploy the Connector on-premises on a Linux host in your network or on a Linux host in the cloud. Some users planning to install BlueXP classification on-prem may also choose to install the Connector on-prem.

You'll need the IP address or host name of the Connector system when installing BlueXP classification. You'll have this information if you installed the Connector in your premises. If the Connector is deployed in the cloud, you can find this information from the BlueXP console: click the Help icon, select Support, and click BlueXP Connector.

Prepare the Linux host system

BlueXP classification software must run on a host that meets specific operating system requirements, RAM requirements, software requirements, and so on. The Linux host can be in your network, or in the cloud.

Ensure that you can keep BlueXP classification running. The BlueXP classification machine needs to stay on to continuously scan your data.

  • BlueXP classification is not supported on a host that is shared with other applications - the host must be a dedicated host.

  • When building the host system in your premises, you can choose among these system sizes depending on the size of the dataset that you plan to have BlueXP classification scan.

    System size CPU RAM (swap memory must be disabled) Disk

    Extra Large

    32 CPUs

    128 GB RAM

    1 TiB SSD on /, or
    - 100 GiB available on /opt
    - 895 GiB available on /var/lib/docker
    - 5 GiB on /tmp


    16 CPUs

    64 GB RAM

    500 GiB SSD on /, or
    - 100 GiB available on /opt
    - 395 GiB available on /var/lib/docker or for Podman /var/lib/containers or for Podman /var/lib/containers
    - 5 GiB on /tmp

  • When deploying a compute instance in the cloud for your BlueXP classification installation, we recommend a system that meets the "Large" system requirements above:

  • UNIX folder permissions: The following minimum UNIX permissions are required:

    Folder Minimum Permissions









  • Operating system:

    • The following operating systems require using the Docker container engine:

      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7.8 and 7.9

      • CentOS version 7.8 and 7.9

      • Ubuntu 22.04 (requires BlueXP classification version 1.23 or greater)

    • The following operating systems require using the Podman container engine, and they require BlueXP classification version 1.30 or greater:

      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.8, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3

        Note that the following features are not currently supported when using RHEL 8.x and RHEL 9.x:

        • Installation in a dark site

        • Distributed scanning; using a master scanner node and remote scanner nodes

  • Red Hat Subscription Management: The host must be registered with Red Hat Subscription Management. If it's not registered, the system can't access repositories to update required 3rd-party software during installation.

  • Additional software: You must install the following software on the host before you install BlueXP classification:

    • Depending on the OS you are using, you'll need to install one of the container engines:

      • Docker Engine version 19.3.1 or greater. View installation instructions.

        Watch this video for a quick demo of installing Docker on CentOS.

      • Podman version 4 or greater. To install Podman, update your system packages (sudo yum update -y), and then install Podman (sudo yum install netavark -y).

  • Python version 3.6 or greater. View installation instructions.

    • NTP considerations: NetApp recommends configuring the BlueXP classification system to use a Network Time Protocol (NTP) service. The time must be synchronized between the BlueXP classification system and the BlueXP Connector system.

    • Firewalld considerations: If you are planning to use firewalld, we recommend that you enable it before installing BlueXP classification. Run the following commands to configure firewalld so that it is compatible with BlueXP classification:

      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp
      firewall-cmd --reload

      If you're planning to use additional BlueXP classification hosts as scanner nodes, add these rules to your primary system at this time:

      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2377/tcp
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7946/udp
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7946/tcp
      firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=4789/udp

      Note that you must restart Docker or Podman whenever you enable or update firewalld settings.

Note The IP address of the BlueXP classification host system can't be changed after installation.

Enable outbound internet access from BlueXP classification

BlueXP classification requires outbound internet access. If your virtual or physical network uses a proxy server for internet access, ensure that the BlueXP classification instance has outbound internet access to contact the following endpoints.

Endpoints Purpose

Communication with the BlueXP service, which includes NetApp accounts.

Communication with the BlueXP website for centralized user authentication.

Provides access to software images, manifests, templates, and to send logs and metrics.

Enables NetApp to stream data from audit records.

Provides prerequisite packages for docker installation.

Provides prerequisite packages for CentOS installation.

Provides prerequisite packages for Ubuntu installation.

Verify that all required ports are enabled

You must ensure that all required ports are open for communication between the Connector, BlueXP classification, Active Directory, and your data sources.

Connection Type Ports Description

Connector <> BlueXP classification

8080 (TCP), 443 (TCP), and 80

The firewall or routing rules for the Connector must allow inbound and outbound traffic over port 443 to and from the BlueXP classification instance.

Make sure port 8080 is open so you can see the installation progress in BlueXP.

Connector <> ONTAP cluster (NAS)

443 (TCP)

BlueXP discovers ONTAP clusters using HTTPS. If you use custom firewall policies, they must meet the following requirements:

  • The Connector host must allow outbound HTTPS access through port 443. If the Connector is in the cloud, all outbound communication is allowed by the predefined firewall or routing rules.

  • The ONTAP cluster must allow inbound HTTPS access through port 443. The default "mgmt" firewall policy allows inbound HTTPS access from all IP addresses. If you modified this default policy, or if you created your own firewall policy, you must associate the HTTPS protocol with that policy and enable access from the Connector host.

BlueXP classification <> ONTAP cluster

  • For NFS - 111 (TCP\UDP) and 2049 (TCP\UDP)

  • For CIFS - 139 (TCP\UDP) and 445 (TCP\UDP)

BlueXP classification needs a network connection to each Cloud Volumes ONTAP subnet or on-prem ONTAP system. Firewalls or routing rules for Cloud Volumes ONTAP must allow inbound connections from the BlueXP classification instance.

Make sure these ports are open to the BlueXP classification instance:

  • For NFS - 111 and 2049

  • For CIFS - 139 and 445

NFS volume export policies must allow access from the BlueXP classification instance.

BlueXP classification <> Active Directory

389 (TCP & UDP), 636 (TCP), 3268 (TCP), and 3269 (TCP)

You must have an Active Directory already set up for the users in your company. Additionally, BlueXP classification needs Active Directory credentials to scan CIFS volumes.

You must have the information for the Active Directory:

  • DNS Server IP Address, or multiple IP Addresses

  • User Name and Password for the server

  • Domain Name (Active Directory Name)

  • Whether you are using secure LDAP (LDAPS) or not

  • LDAP Server Port (typically 389 for LDAP, and 636 for secure LDAP)

Install BlueXP classification on the Linux host

For typical configurations you'll install the software on a single host system. See those steps here.

A diagram showing the location of the data sources you can scan when using a single BlueXP classification instance deployed on-prem with internet access.

For very large configurations where you'll be scanning petabytes of data, you can include multiple hosts to provide additional processing power. Learn more link:task-deploy-multi-host-install-dark-site.html> about installing on multiple hosts for large configurations.

A diagram showing the location of the data sources you can scan when using multiple BlueXP classification instances deployed on-prem with internet access.

See Preparing the Linux host system and Reviewing prerequisites for the full list of requirements before you deploy BlueXP classification.

Upgrades to BlueXP classification software is automated as long as the instance has internet connectivity.

Note BlueXP classification is currently unable to scan S3 buckets, Azure NetApp Files, or FSx for ONTAP when the software is installed on premises. In these cases you'll need to deploy a separate Connector and instance of BlueXP classification in the cloud and switch between Connectors for your different data sources.

Single-host installation for typical configurations

Review the requirements and follow these steps when installing BlueXP classification software on a single on-premises host.

Watch this video to see how to install BlueXP classification.

Note that all installation activities are logged when installing BlueXP classification. If you run into any issues during installation, you can view the contents of the installation audit log. It is written to /opt/netapp/install_logs/. See more details here.

What you'll need
  • Verify that your Linux system meets the host requirements.

  • Verify that the system has the two prerequisite software packages installed (Docker Engine or Podman, and Python 3).

  • Make sure you have root privileges on the Linux system.

  • If you're using a proxy for access to the internet:

    • You'll need the proxy server information (IP address or host name, connection port, connection scheme: https or http, user name and password).

    • If the proxy is performing TLS interception, you'll need to know the path on the BlueXP classification Linux system where the TLS CA certificates are stored.

    • The proxy must be non-transparent - we don't currently support transparent proxies.

    • The user must be a local user. Domain users are not supported.

  • Verify that your offline environment meets the required permissions and connectivity.

  1. Download the BlueXP classification software from the NetApp Support Site. The file you should select is named DATASENSE-INSTALLER-<version>.tar.gz.

  2. Copy the installer file to the Linux host you plan to use (using scp or some other method).

  3. Unzip the installer file on the host machine, for example:

    tar -xzf DATASENSE-INSTALLER-V1.25.0.tar.gz
  4. In BlueXP, select Governance > Classification.

  5. Click Activate Data Sense.

    A screenshot of selecting the button to activate BlueXP classification.

  6. Depending on whether you are installing BlueXP classification on an instance you prepared in the cloud or on an instance you prepared in your premises, click the appropriate Deploy button to start the BlueXP classification installation.

    A screenshot of selecting the button to deploy BlueXP classification on a machine in the cloud or in your premises.

  7. The Deploy Data Sense On Premises dialog is displayed. Copy the provided command (for example: sudo ./ -a 12345 -c 27AG75 -t 2198qq) and paste it in a text file so you can use it later. Then click Close to dismiss the dialog.

  8. On the host machine, enter the command you copied and then follow a series of prompts, or you can provide the full command including all required parameters as command line arguments.

    Note that the installer performs a pre-check to make sure your system and networking requirements are in place for a successful installation. Watch this video to understand the pre-check messages and implications.

    Enter parameters as prompted: Enter the full command:
    1. Paste the command you copied from step 7:
      sudo ./ -a <account_id> -c <client_id> -t <user_token>

      If you are installing on a cloud instance (not on your premises), add --manual-cloud-install <cloud_provider>.

    2. Enter the IP address or host name of the BlueXP classification host machine so it can be accessed by the Connector system.

    3. Enter the IP address or host name of the BlueXP Connector host machine so it can be accessed by the BlueXP classification system.

    4. Enter proxy details as prompted. If your BlueXP Connector already uses a proxy, there is no need to enter this information again here since BlueXP classification will automatically use the proxy used by the Connector.

    Alternatively, you can create the whole command in advance, providing the necessary host and proxy parameters:
    sudo ./ -a <account_id> -c <client_id> -t <user_token> --host <ds_host> --manager-host <cm_host> --manual-cloud-install <cloud_provider> --proxy-host <proxy_host> --proxy-port <proxy_port> --proxy-scheme <proxy_scheme> --proxy-user <proxy_user> --proxy-password <proxy_password> --cacert-folder-path <ca_cert_dir>

    Variable values:

    • account_id = NetApp Account ID

    • client_id = Connector Client ID (add the suffix "clients" to the client ID if it not already there)

    • user_token = JWT user access token

    • ds_host = IP address or host name of the BlueXP classification Linux system.

    • cm_host = IP address or host name of the BlueXP Connector system.

    • cloud_provider = When installing on a cloud instance, enter "AWS", "Azure", or "Gcp" depending on cloud provider.

    • proxy_host = IP or host name of the proxy server if the host is behind a proxy server.

    • proxy_port = Port to connect to the proxy server (default 80).

    • proxy_scheme = Connection scheme: https or http (default http).

    • proxy_user = Authenticated user to connect to the proxy server, if basic authentication is required. The user must be a local user - domain users are not supported.

    • proxy_password = Password for the user name that you specified.

    • ca_cert_dir = Path on the BlueXP classification Linux system containing additional TLS CA certificate bundles. Only required if the proxy is performing TLS interception.


The BlueXP classification installer installs packages, registers the installation, and installs BlueXP classification. Installation can take 10 to 20 minutes.

If there is connectivity over port 8080 between the host machine and the Connector instance, you'll see the installation progress in the BlueXP classification tab in BlueXP.

What's Next

From the Configuration page you can select the data sources that you want to scan.