Log in to the BlueXP classification system
At times you may need to log into the BlueXP classification system so you can access log files or edit configuration files.
When BlueXP classification is installed on a Linux machine on your premises, or on a Linux machine you deployed in the cloud, you can access the configuration file and script directly.
When BlueXP classification is deployed in the cloud, you need to SSH to the BlueXP classification instance. You SSH to the system by entering the user and password, or by using the SSH key you provided during the BlueXP Connector installation. The SSH command is:
ssh -i <path_to_the_ssh_key> <machine_user>@<datasense_ip>
<path_to_the_ssh_key> = location of ssh authentication keys
For AWS: use the <ec2-user>
For Azure: use the user created for the BlueXP instance
For GCP: use the user created for the BlueXP instance
<datasense_ip> = IP address of the virtual machine instance
Note that you'll need to modify the security group inbound rules to access the system in the cloud. For details, see: