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BlueXP classification

BlueXP classification APIs

Contributors netapp-tonacki amgrissino

The BlueXP classification capabilities that are available through the web UI are also available through the Swagger API.

There are four categories defined within BlueXP classification that correspond to the tabs in the UI:

  • Investigation

  • Compliance

  • Governance

  • Configuration

The APIs in the Swagger documentation allow you to search, aggregate data, track your scans, and create actions like copy, move, and more.


The API enables you to perform the following functions:

  • Export information

    • Everything that is available in the UI can be exported via the API (with the exception of reports)

    • Data is exported in a JSON format (easy to parse and push to 3rd party applications, like Splunk)

  • Create queries using "AND" and "OR" statements, include and exclude information, and more.

    For example, you can locate files without specific Personal Identifiable Information (PII) (functionality not available in the UI). You can also exclude specific fields for the export operation.

  • Perform actions

    • Update CIFS credentials

    • View and cancel actions

    • Re-scan directories

    • Export data

The API is secure and it uses the same authentication method as the UI. You can find information on the authentication in:

Accessing the Swagger API reference

To get into Swagger you'll need the IP address of the your BlueXP classification instance. In the case of a cloud deployment you'll use the public IP address. Then you'll need to get into this endpoint:


Example using the APIs

The following example shows an API call to copy files.

API Request

You'll initially need to get all the relevant fields and options for a working environment to view all of the filters in the investigation tab.

curl -X GET "http://{classification_ip}/api/{classification_version} /search/options?data_mode=ALL_EXTRACTABLE" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR……… " -H "x-agent-id: hOXsZNvnA5LsthwMILtjL9xZFYBQxAwMclients"
  "options": [
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_SCANNED",
      "field": "string",
      "is_rulable": true,
      "name": "string",
      "operators": [
      "optional_values": [
      "secondary": {},
      "server_data": false,
      "type": "TEXT"
  "options": [
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "POLICIES",
      "name": "Policies",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "name": "Scan Analysis Status",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "SCAN_ANALYSIS_ERROR",
      "name": "Scan Analysis Event",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "PUBLIC_ACCESS",
      "name": "Open Permissions",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": true,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "name": "Number of Users with Access",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": true,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "USER_GROUP_PERMISSIONS",
      "name": "User / Group Permissions",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "FILE_OWNER",
      "name": "File Owner",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "TEXT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "ENVIRONMENT_TYPE",
      "name": "Working Environment Type",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "ENVIRONMENT",
      "name": "Working Environment",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_SCANNED",
      "field": "SCAN_TASK",
      "name": "Storage Repository",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "FILE_PATH",
      "name": "File / Directory Path",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "MULTI_TEXT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_DASHBOARD_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "CATEGORY",
      "name": "Category",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "name": "Sensitivity Level",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "NUMBER_OF_IDENTIFIERS",
      "name": "Number of identifiers",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "PATTERN_PERSONAL",
      "name": "Personal Data",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "PATTERN_SENSITIVE",
      "name": "Sensitive Personal Data",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "DATA_SUBJECT",
      "name": "Data Subject",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "TEXT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "DIRECTORIES",
      "field": "DIRECTORY_TYPE",
      "name": "Directory Type",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "FILE_TYPE",
      "name": "File Type",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "FILE_SIZE_RANGE",
      "name": "File Size",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "name": "Created Time",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "DISCOVERED_TIME_RANGE",
      "name": "Discovered Time",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "name": "Last Modified",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_FILESYSTEM_EXTRACTABLE",
      "name": "Last Accessed",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "FILES",
      "field": "IS_DUPLICATE",
      "name": "Duplicates",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "FILES",
      "field": "FILE_HASH",
      "name": "File Hash",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "TEXT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "USER_DEFINED_STATUS",
      "name": "Tags",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"
      "active_directory_affected": false,
      "data_mode": "ALL_EXTRACTABLE",
      "field": "ASSIGNED_TO",
      "name": "Assigned to",
      "operators": [
      "server_data": true,
      "type": "SELECT"

We will use that response in our request parameters to filter the desired files we want to copy.

You can apply an action on multiple items. Supported action types include: move, delete, copy, assign to, FlexClone, export data, rescan, and label.

We will create the copy action:

API Request

This next API is that action API and it allows you to create multiple actions.

curl -X POST "http:// {classification_ip}/api//{classification_version}/actions" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR……… " -H "x-agent-id: hOXsZNvnA5LsthwMILtjL9xZFYBQxAwMclients " -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"action_type\": \"COPY\", \"data_mode\": \"FILES\", \"policy_id\": 0, \"request_params\": { destination_nfs_path: "{ontap_ip}:/{share_name} " }, \"requested_query\":{"condition":"AND","rules":[{"field":"ENVIRONMENT_TYPE","operator":"IN","value":["ONPREM"]},{"field":"CATEGORY","operator":"IN","value":["21"]}]}}"

The response will return the action object, so you can use the get and delete APIs to get status about the action, or to cancel it.

  "action_type": "COPY",
  "creation_time": "2023-08-08T12:37:21.705Z",
  "data_mode": "FILES",
  "end_time": "2023-08-08T12:37:21.705Z",
  "estimated_time_to_complete": 0,
  "id": 0,
  "policy_id": 0,
  "policy_name": "string",
  "priority": 0,
  "request_params": {},
  "requested_query": {},
  "result": {
    "error_message": "string",
    "failed": 0,
    "in_progress": 0,
    "succeeded": 0,
    "total": 0
  "start_time": "2023-08-08T12:37:21.705Z",
  "status": "QUEUED",
  "title": "string",
  "user_id": "string"