Exclude specific directories from BlueXP classification scans
If you want BlueXP classification to exclude scanning data that resides in certain data source directories, you can add these directory names to a configuration file. After you apply this change, the BlueXP classification engine will exclude scanning data in those directories.
Note that BlueXP classification is configured by default to exclude scanning volume snapshot data because that content is identical to the content in the volume.
This functionality is available in BlueXP classification version 1.29 and greater (starting in March 2024).
Supported data sources
Excluding specific directories from BlueXP classification scans is supported for NFS and CIFS shares in the following data sources:
On-premises ONTAP
Cloud Volumes ONTAP
Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP
Azure NetApp Files
General file shares
Define the directories to exclude from scanning
Before you can exclude directories from classification scanning, you need to log into the BlueXP classification system so you can edit a configuration file and run a script. See how to log in to the BlueXP classification system depending on whether you manually installed the software on a Linux machine or if you deployed the instance in the cloud.
On the BlueXP classification system, go to "/opt/netapp/config/custom_configuration" and open the file
. -
In the "data_providers" section, under the line "exclude:", enter the directory paths to exclude. For example:
exclude: - "folder1" - "folder2"
Do not change anything else in this file.
Save the changes to the file.
Go to "/opt/netapp/Datasense/tools/customer_configuration/data_providers" and run the following script:
This command commits the directories to be excluded from scanning to the classification engine.
All subsequent scans of your data will exclude scanning of those specified directories.
You can add, edit, or delete items from the exclude list using these same steps. The revised exclude list will be updated after you run the script to commit your changes.
Every folder that contains "folder1" anywhere in the name will be excluded from all data sources.
data_providers: exclude: - "folder1"
Every folder that contains "*folder1" only at the start of the name will be excluded.
data_providers: exclude: - "\\*folder1"
Every folder in data source "CVO22" that contains "folder1" anywhere in the name will be excluded.
data_providers: exclude: - "CVO22/folder1"
Escaping special characters in folder names
If you have a folder name that contains one of the following special characters and you want to exclude data in that folder from being scanned, you'll need to use the escape sequence \\ before the folder name.
., +, *, ?, ^, $, (, ), [, ], {, }, |
For example:
Path in source: /project/*not_to_scan
Syntax in exclude file: "\\*not_to_scan"
View the current exclusion list
It's possible for the contents of the data_provider.yaml
configuration file to be different than what has actually been committed after running the update_data_providers_from_config_file.sh
script. To view the current list of directories that you've excluded from BlueXP classification scanning, run the following command from "/opt/netapp/Datasense/tools/customer_configuration/data_providers":