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Manage AutoSupport on ASA r2 storage systems

Contributors netapp-aherbin

AutoSupport is a mechanism that proactively monitors the health of your system and automatically sends messages to NetApp technical support, your internal support organization, and a support partner.

AutoSupport messages to technical support are enabled by default when you set up your cluster. You must set the correct options and have a valid mail host to have messages sent to your internal support organization. ONTAP begins sending AutoSupport messages 24 hours after it is enabled.

Before you begin

You must be a cluster administrator to manage AutoSupport.

Test AutoSupport connectivity

After you have set up your cluster, you should test your AutoSupport connectivity to verify that technical support will receive messages generated by AutoSupport.

  1. In system manager, select Cluster >Settings.

  2. Next to AutoSupport select three vertical blue dots; then select Test connectivity.

  3. Enter a subject for the AutoSupport message; then select Send test AutoSupport message.

What's next?

Your have verified that technical support can receive AutoSupport messages from your ASA r2 system and will have data needed to assist you should you experience a problem.

Add AutoSupport recipients

Add members of your internal support organization to the list of email addresses that receive AutoSupport messages.

  1. In system manager, select Cluster >Settings.

  2. Next to AutoSupport select three vertical blue dots; then select More options.

  3. Next to Email, select pencil icon; then select blue plus sign followed by the word Add.

  4. Enter the email address for the recipient; then the the recipient category.

    For partners, select Partner for the recipient category. Select General for members of your internal support organization.

  5. Select save.

What's next?

The email addresses you have added will receive new AutoSupport messages for their specific recipient category.

Send AutoSupport data

Should a problem occur on your ASA r2 system, AutoSupport data can significantly decrease the time it takes to identify and resolve issues.

  1. In system manager, select Cluster >Settings.

  2. Next to AutoSupport select three vertical blue dots; then select Generate and send.

  3. Enter a subject for the AutoSupport message; then select Send.

What's next?

Your AutoSupport data is sent to technical support.

Suppress support case generation

If you are performing an upgrade or maintenance on your ASA r2 system, you might want to suppress AutoSupport generation of support cases until your upgrade or maintenance is complete.

  1. In system manager, select Cluster >Settings.

  2. Next to AutoSupport select three vertical blue dots; then select Suppress support case generation.

  3. Specify the number of hours to suppress the generation of support cases; then select the nodes for which you do not want cases generated.

  4. Select Send.

What's next?

AutoSupport cases will not be generated during the time you specified. If you complete your upgrade or maintenance before the specified time expires, you should resume support case generation immediately.

Resume support case generation

If you have suppressed the generation of support cases during an upgrade or maintenance window, you should resume support case generation immediately after your upgrade or maintenance is complete.

  1. In system manager, select Cluster >Settings.

  2. Next to AutoSupport select three vertical blue dots; then select Resume support case generation.

  3. Select the nodes for which you want to resume AutoSupport cases generated.

  4. Select Send.


AutoSupport cases are autogenerated for your ASA r2 system as needed.