Understand the platform license offerings for ONTAP Select
You can purchase an ONTAP Select capacity tier or capacity pool license in one of three platform capacity levels. These license offerings determine the capabilities of the hosts where you deploy ONTAP Select.
What a platform license offering provides
A specific license offering defines and restrictions the capabilities of the hypervisor host in two areas:
Instance type (CPU, memory)
Additional features
The license offerings are arranged in an ascending order of capabilities from standard to premium XL. In general, the license option you choose grants you the capabilities of that level and all lower levels. For example, the premium level provides the capabilities of both premium and standard.
Platform license offerings
There are three platform license offerings available.
The standard offering provides the following capabilities:
Small instance type only
Hard disk drives (HDD) only
Local hardware RAID controller only
The premium offering provides the following capabilities:
Small or medium instance type
Hard disk drives (HDD) or Solid state drives (SSD)
Local hardware RAID controller or software RAID
MetroCluster SDS
Premium XL
The premium XL offering provides the following capabilities:
Small, medium, or large instance type
HDDs, SSDs, or NVMe drives
Local hardware RAID controller or software RAID
MetroCluster SDS
Use of the large instance type or NVMe drives in an SW-RAID configuration is not supported on KVM. |