Backup workflow
You can either create a backup of a resource (database) or resource group. The backup workflow includes planning, identifying the resources for backup, creating backup policies, creating resource groups and attaching policies, creating backups, and monitoring the operations.
The following workflow shows the sequence in which you must perform the backup operation:

While creating a backup for Oracle databases, an operational lock file (.sm_lock_dbsid) is created on the Oracle database host in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory to avoid multiple operations being executed on the database. After the database has been backed up, the operational lock file is automatically removed.
However, if the previous backup was completed with a warning, the operational lock file might not get deleted, and the next backup operation gets into the wait queue. It might eventually get canceled if the .sm_lock_dbsid file is not deleted. In such scenario, you must manually delete the operational lock file by perfroming the following steps:
From the command prompt, navigate to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
Delete the operational lock:
rm -rf .sm_lock_dbsid.