SnapCenter Plug-in for SAP HANA Database features
SnapCenter integrates with the plug-in application and with NetApp technologies on the storage system. To work with the Plug-in for SAP HANA Database, you use the SnapCenter graphical user interface.
Unified graphical user interface
The SnapCenter interface provides standardization and consistency across plug-ins and environments. The SnapCenter interface enables you to complete consistent backup, restore, and clone operations across plug-ins, use centralized reporting, use at-a-glance dashboard views, set up role-based access control (RBAC), and monitor jobs across all plug-ins.
Automated central administration
You can schedule backup operations, configure policy-based backup retention, and perform restore operations. You can also proactively monitor your environment by configuring SnapCenter to send email alerts.
Nondisruptive NetApp Snapshot copy technology
SnapCenter uses NetApp Snapshot copy technology with the Plug-in for SAP HANA Database to back up resources.
Using the Plug-in for SAP HANA Database also offers the following benefits:
Support for backup, restore, and clone workflows
RBAC-supported security and centralized role delegation
You can also set the credentials so that the authorized SnapCenter users have application-level permissions.
Creation of space-efficient and point-in-time copies of resources for testing or data extraction by using NetApp FlexClone technology
A FlexClone license is required on the storage system where you want to create the clone.
Support for the consistency group (CG) Snapshot copy feature of ONTAP as part of creating backups.
Capability to run multiple backups simultaneously across multiple resource hosts
In a single operation, Snapshot copies are consolidated when resources in a single host share the same volume.
Capability to create Snapshot copies using external commands.
Support for file-based backup.
Support for Linux LVM on XFS file system.