Snap Creator Framework
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Ripresa di una relazione SnapVault con Data ONTAP in 7-Mode


Se si esegue il ripristino utilizzando un backup Snapshot diverso da quello più recente, è necessario ripristinare la relazione SnapVault in modo che Snap Creator possa continuare a eseguire i backup.

  1. Riprendere la relazione SnapVault con Data ONTAP in 7-Mode immettendo il seguente comando. SnapVault start -r -S source_controller:source_volumebackup_controller:backup_volume

    Eseguire questo passaggio per tutti i volumi appartenenti al database SAP HANA.

    hana2b> snapvault start -r -S hana1a:/vol/data_00001/mnt00001
    The resync base snapshot will be: Backup-ANA-SV_daily_20140406200000
    Resync may alter the data in this qtree.
    Are you sure you want to resync the qtree? y
    Mon Apr  7 14:08:21 CEST [hana2b:replication.dst.resync.success:notice]: SnapVault resync of
    /vol/backup_data_00001/mnt00001 to hana1a:/vol/data_00001/mnt00001 was successful.
    Transfer started.
    Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.
    hana2b> snapvault start -r -S hana1b:/vol/data_00002/mnt00002
    The resync base snapshot will be: Backup-ANA-SV_daily_20140406200000
    Resync may alter the data in this qtree.
    Are you sure you want to resync the qtree? y
    Mon Apr  7 14:09:49 CEST [hana2b:replication.dst.resync.success:notice]: SnapVault resync of
    /vol/backup_data_00002/mnt00002 to hana1b:/vol/data_00002/mnt00002 was successful.
    Transfer started.
    Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.
    hana2b> snapvault start -r -S hana1a:/vol/data_00003/mnt00003
    The resync base snapshot will be: Backup-ANA-SV_daily_20140406200000
    Resync may alter the data in this qtree.
    Are you sure you want to resync the qtree? y
    Mon Apr  7 14:10:25 CEST [hana2b:replication.dst.resync.success:notice]: SnapVault resync of
    /vol/backup_data_00003/mnt00003 to hana1a:/vol/data_00003/mnt00003 was successful.
    Transfer started.
    Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.

    Al termine del trasferimento dei dati, è possibile pianificare nuovamente i backup utilizzando Snap Creator.