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= NetApp ONTAP Streaming Telemetry :toc: macro :hardbreaks: :toclevels: 2 :nofooter: :icons: font :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ./media/ [.lead] For up-to-date information, see the link:[NetApp Cloud Connection for ONTAP 9.9+] data collector page. //// Thank you for your interest in Cloud Insights ONTAP Streaming Telemetry. This feature is currently in private preview. Please reach out to to request more information or access. //// //// This data collector creates a cloud connection to support data collection from ONTAP 9.9+ systems. == Configuration Configuration of the Cloud Connection for ONTAP 9.9+ data collector requires you to copy a Pairing Code to the ONTAP System Manager, which will then establish a connection to your Cloud Insights environment. image:Cloud_Agent_DC.png[Cloud Agent Data Collector Configuration] Follow these steps to configure the connection: * Generate a unique token which will be used to establish the connection to the ONTAP system. * Copy the Pairing Code, which includes the token. You can view the pairing code by clicking on _[+] Reveal Code Snippet_. + Once you copy the pairing code, the data collector configuration screen will reveal a step 6, prompting you to wait for the connection to be established. Nothing more needs to be done on this screen until the connection is established. + image:Cloud_Agent_Step_Waiting.png[Waiting for connection] * In a new browser tab, log into the ONTAP System Manager and navigate to _Cluster > Settings > Cloud Connections_. * Click _Add Cloud Connection_ and paste the pairing code. * Return to the Cloud Insights browser tab and wait for the connection to be established. Once it is established, a _Complete_ button is revealed. * Click _Complete_. == Troubleshooting Additional information on this Data Collector may be found from the link:concept_requesting_support.html[Support] page or in the link:[Data Collector Support Matrix].